path: root/aesxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aesxx')
10 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aesxx/CMakeLists.txt b/aesxx/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bbf777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
+add_library(aesxx INTERFACE)
+target_include_directories(aesxx INTERFACE include/)
+target_link_libraries(aesxx INTERFACE aes Boost::boost)
+ # These annoying DbgHelp.h warnings:
+ # https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/888527/warnings-on-dbghelp-h
+ target_compile_options(aesxx INTERFACE /wd4091)
+install(DIRECTORY include/aesxx DESTINATION include)
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/aes.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/aes.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efac790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/aes.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include "algorithm.hpp"
+#include "api.hpp"
+#include "error.hpp"
+#include "mode.hpp"
+#include <aes/all.h>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+namespace aes
+ namespace aes128
+ {
+ typedef AES_AES128_Block Block;
+ typedef AES_AES128_RoundKeys RoundKeys;
+ typedef AES_AES128_Key Key;
+ }
+ template <>
+ struct Types<AES_AES128>
+ {
+ typedef aes128::Block Block;
+ typedef aes128::RoundKeys RoundKeys;
+ typedef aes128::Key Key;
+ };
+ template <>
+ inline std::size_t get_number_of_rounds<AES_AES128>()
+ {
+ return 11;
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void from_string<AES_AES128>(aes128::Block& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_AES128_parse_block(&dest, src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_string<AES_AES128>(const aes128::Block& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES128_BlockString str;
+ aes_AES128_format_block(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_matrix_string<AES_AES128>(const aes128::Block& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES128_BlockMatrixString str;
+ aes_AES128_format_block_as_matrix(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void from_string<AES_AES128>(aes128::Key& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_AES128_parse_key(&dest, src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_string<AES_AES128>(const aes128::Key& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES128_KeyString str;
+ aes_AES128_format_key(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void expand_key<AES_AES128>(
+ const aes128::Key& key,
+ aes128::RoundKeys& encryption_keys)
+ {
+ aes_AES128_expand_key(&key, &encryption_keys);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void derive_decryption_keys<AES_AES128>(
+ const aes128::RoundKeys& encryption_keys,
+ aes128::RoundKeys& decryption_keys)
+ {
+ aes_AES128_derive_decryption_keys(
+ &encryption_keys, &decryption_keys);
+ }
+ namespace aes192
+ {
+ typedef AES_AES192_Block Block;
+ typedef AES_AES192_RoundKeys RoundKeys;
+ typedef AES_AES192_Key Key;
+ }
+ template <>
+ struct Types<AES_AES192>
+ {
+ typedef aes192::Block Block;
+ typedef aes192::RoundKeys RoundKeys;
+ typedef aes192::Key Key;
+ };
+ template <>
+ inline std::size_t get_number_of_rounds<AES_AES192>()
+ {
+ return 13;
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void from_string<AES_AES192>(aes192::Block& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_AES192_parse_block(&dest, src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_string<AES_AES192>(const aes192::Block& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES192_BlockString str;
+ aes_AES192_format_block(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_matrix_string<AES_AES192>(const aes192::Block& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES192_BlockMatrixString str;
+ aes_AES192_format_block_as_matrix(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void from_string<AES_AES192>(aes192::Key& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_AES192_parse_key(&dest, src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_string<AES_AES192>(const aes192::Key& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES192_KeyString str;
+ aes_AES192_format_key(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void expand_key<AES_AES192>(
+ const aes192::Key& key,
+ aes192::RoundKeys& encryption_keys)
+ {
+ aes_AES192_expand_key(&key, &encryption_keys);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void derive_decryption_keys<AES_AES192>(
+ const aes192::RoundKeys& encryption_keys,
+ aes192::RoundKeys& decryption_keys)
+ {
+ aes_AES192_derive_decryption_keys(
+ &encryption_keys, &decryption_keys);
+ }
+ namespace aes256
+ {
+ typedef AES_AES256_Block Block;
+ typedef AES_AES256_RoundKeys RoundKeys;
+ typedef AES_AES256_Key Key;
+ }
+ template <>
+ struct Types<AES_AES256>
+ {
+ typedef aes256::Block Block;
+ typedef aes256::RoundKeys RoundKeys;
+ typedef aes256::Key Key;
+ };
+ template <>
+ inline std::size_t get_number_of_rounds<AES_AES256>()
+ {
+ return 15;
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void from_string<AES_AES256>(aes256::Block& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_AES256_parse_block(&dest, src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_string<AES_AES256>(const aes256::Block& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES256_BlockString str;
+ aes_AES256_format_block(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_matrix_string<AES_AES256>(const aes256::Block& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES256_BlockMatrixString str;
+ aes_AES256_format_block_as_matrix(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void from_string<AES_AES256>(aes256::Key& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_AES256_parse_key(&dest, src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string to_string<AES_AES256>(const aes256::Key& src)
+ {
+ AES_AES256_KeyString str;
+ aes_AES256_format_key(&str, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return {str.str};
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void expand_key<AES_AES256>(
+ const aes256::Key& key,
+ aes256::RoundKeys& encryption_keys)
+ {
+ aes_AES256_expand_key(&key, &encryption_keys);
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void derive_decryption_keys<AES_AES256>(
+ const aes256::RoundKeys& encryption_keys,
+ aes256::RoundKeys& decryption_keys)
+ {
+ aes_AES256_derive_decryption_keys(
+ &encryption_keys, &decryption_keys);
+ }
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/algorithm.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/algorithm.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823e57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/algorithm.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include <aes/all.h>
+namespace aes
+ typedef AES_Algorithm Algorithm;
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/all.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/all.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99202a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/all.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include "aes.hpp"
+#include "algorithm.hpp"
+#include "api.hpp"
+#include "box.hpp"
+#include "data.hpp"
+#include "debug.hpp"
+#include "error.hpp"
+#include "mode.hpp"
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/api.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/api.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68112bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/api.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include "algorithm.hpp"
+#include "mode.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace aes
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ struct Types;
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ std::size_t get_number_of_rounds();
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ void from_string(
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block&,
+ const char*);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ void from_string(
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& dest,
+ const std::string& src)
+ {
+ from_string<algorithm>(dest, src.c_str());
+ }
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ std::string to_string(const typename Types<algorithm>::Block&);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ std::string to_matrix_string(const typename Types<algorithm>::Block&);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ void from_string(
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Key&,
+ const char*);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ void from_string(
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Key& dest,
+ const std::string& src)
+ {
+ from_string<algorithm>(dest, src.c_str());
+ }
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ std::string to_string(const typename Types<algorithm>::Key&);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ void expand_key(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Key& key,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm>
+ void derive_decryption_keys(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& decryption_keys);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode,
+ typename std::enable_if<ModeRequiresInitVector<mode>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ void encrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& round_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& iv,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode,
+ typename std::enable_if<!ModeRequiresInitVector<mode>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ void encrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& round_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode,
+ typename std::enable_if<!ModeRequiresInitVector<mode>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ void encrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& round_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block&,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext)
+ {
+ encrypt_block<algorithm, mode>(plaintext, round_keys, ciphertext);
+ }
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode,
+ typename std::enable_if<ModeRequiresInitVector<mode>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ void decrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& round_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& iv,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode,
+ typename std::enable_if<!ModeRequiresInitVector<mode>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ void decrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& round_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext);
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode,
+ typename std::enable_if<!ModeRequiresInitVector<mode>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+ void decrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys& round_keys,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block&,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext)
+ {
+ decrypt_block<algorithm, mode>(ciphertext, round_keys, plaintext);
+ }
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode>
+ struct EncryptWrapper
+ {
+ EncryptWrapper(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Key& key,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& iv) : iv{iv}
+ {
+ expand_key<algorithm>(key, encryption_keys);
+ }
+ void encrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext)
+ {
+ aes::encrypt_block<algorithm, mode>(
+ plaintext, encryption_keys, iv, ciphertext);
+ }
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block iv;
+ typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys encryption_keys;
+ };
+ template <Algorithm algorithm, Mode mode>
+ struct DecryptWrapper
+ {
+ DecryptWrapper(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Key& key,
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& iv) : iv{iv}
+ {
+ typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys encryption_keys;
+ expand_key<algorithm>(key, encryption_keys);
+ if (ModeUsesEncryptionKeysOnly<mode>::value)
+ {
+ decryption_keys = encryption_keys;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ derive_decryption_keys<algorithm>(encryption_keys, decryption_keys);
+ }
+ }
+ void decrypt_block(
+ const typename Types<algorithm>::Block& ciphertext,
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block& plaintext)
+ {
+ aes::decrypt_block<algorithm, mode>(
+ ciphertext, decryption_keys, iv, plaintext);
+ }
+ typename Types<algorithm>::Block iv;
+ typename Types<algorithm>::RoundKeys decryption_keys;
+ };
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/box.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/box.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..076407c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/box.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include "algorithm.hpp"
+#include "error.hpp"
+#include "mode.hpp"
+#include <aes/all.h>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace aes
+ class Box
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef AES_BoxBlock Block;
+ typedef AES_BoxKey Key;
+ static std::string format_key(const Key& src, Algorithm algorithm)
+ {
+ AES_BoxKeyString str;
+ aes_box_format_key(
+ &str, algorithm, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&str);
+ }
+ static std::string format_block(const Block& src, Algorithm algorithm)
+ {
+ AES_BoxBlockString str;
+ aes_box_format_block(
+ &str, algorithm, &src, ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&str);
+ }
+ static void parse_block(
+ Block& dest,
+ Algorithm algorithm,
+ const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_box_parse_block(&dest, algorithm, src,
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ static void parse_block(
+ Block& dest,
+ Algorithm algorithm,
+ const std::string& src)
+ {
+ parse_block(dest, algorithm, src.c_str());
+ }
+ static void parse_key(
+ Key& dest,
+ Algorithm algorithm,
+ const char* src)
+ {
+ aes_box_parse_key(&dest, algorithm, src,
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ static void parse_key(
+ Key& dest,
+ Algorithm algorithm,
+ const std::string& src)
+ {
+ parse_key(dest, algorithm, src.c_str());
+ }
+ Box(Algorithm algorithm, const Key& key)
+ : algorithm{algorithm}
+ , mode{AES_ECB}
+ {
+ aes_box_init(&impl, algorithm, &key, mode, nullptr,
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ Box(Algorithm algorithm, const Key& key, Mode mode, const Block& iv)
+ : algorithm{algorithm}
+ , mode{mode}
+ {
+ aes_box_init(&impl, algorithm, &key, mode, &iv,
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ void encrypt_block(const Block& plaintext, Block& ciphertext)
+ {
+ aes_box_encrypt_block(
+ &impl, &plaintext, &ciphertext,
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ void decrypt_block(const Block& ciphertext, Block& plaintext)
+ {
+ aes_box_decrypt_block(
+ &impl, &ciphertext, &plaintext,
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encrypt_buffer(
+ const void* src_buf,
+ std::size_t src_size)
+ {
+ std::size_t dest_size = 0;
+ aes_box_encrypt_buffer(
+ &impl,
+ src_buf,
+ src_size,
+ nullptr,
+ &dest_size,
+ aes::ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ std::vector<unsigned char> dest_buf;
+ dest_buf.resize(dest_size);
+ aes_box_encrypt_buffer(
+ &impl,
+ src_buf,
+ src_size,
+ dest_buf.data(),
+ &dest_size,
+ aes::ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ dest_buf.resize(dest_size);
+ return dest_buf;
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned char> decrypt_buffer(
+ const void* src_buf,
+ std::size_t src_size)
+ {
+ std::size_t dest_size = 0;
+ aes_box_decrypt_buffer(
+ &impl,
+ src_buf,
+ src_size,
+ nullptr,
+ &dest_size,
+ aes::ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ std::vector<unsigned char> dest_buf;
+ dest_buf.resize(dest_size);
+ aes_box_decrypt_buffer(
+ &impl,
+ src_buf,
+ src_size,
+ dest_buf.data(),
+ &dest_size,
+ aes::ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor{});
+ dest_buf.resize(dest_size);
+ return dest_buf;
+ }
+ std::string format_block(const Block& src)
+ {
+ return format_block(src, get_algorithm());
+ }
+ std::string format_key(const Key& src)
+ {
+ return format_key(src, get_algorithm());
+ }
+ void parse_block(Block& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ parse_block(dest, get_algorithm(), src);
+ }
+ void parse_block(Block& dest, const std::string& src)
+ {
+ parse_block(dest, src.c_str());
+ }
+ void parse_key(Key& dest, const char* src)
+ {
+ parse_key(dest, get_algorithm(), src);
+ }
+ void parse_key(Key& dest, const std::string& src)
+ {
+ parse_key(dest, src.c_str());
+ }
+ Algorithm get_algorithm() const { return algorithm; }
+ Mode get_mode() const { return mode; }
+ private:
+ Key key;
+ Algorithm algorithm;
+ Mode mode;
+ AES_Box impl;
+ };
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/data.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/data.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36df5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/data.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include "error.hpp"
+#include <aes/all.h>
+namespace aes
+ typedef AES_Block128 Block128;
+ inline void make_block(Block128& dest, int hi3, int hi2, int lo1, int lo0)
+ {
+ dest = aes_make_block128(hi3, hi2, lo1, lo0);
+ }
+ inline void load_block(Block128& dest, const void* src)
+ {
+ dest = aes_load_block128(src);
+ }
+ inline void load_block_aligned(Block128& dest, const void* src)
+ {
+ dest = aes_load_block128_aligned(src);
+ }
+ inline void store_block(void* dest, Block128& src)
+ {
+ aes_store_block128(dest, src);
+ }
+ inline void store_block_aligned(void* dest, Block128& src)
+ {
+ aes_store_block128_aligned(dest, src);
+ }
+ inline Block128 xor_blocks(Block128& a, Block128& b)
+ {
+ return aes_xor_block128(a, b);
+ }
+ inline Block128 reverse_byte_order(Block128& block)
+ {
+ return aes_reverse_byte_order_block128(block);
+ }
+ inline Block128 inc_block(Block128& block)
+ {
+ return aes_inc_block128(block);
+ }
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/debug.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/debug.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96e81b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/debug.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <DbgHelp.h>
+#pragma comment(lib, "DbgHelp.Lib")
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+namespace aes
+ namespace aux
+ {
+ class CallStackFormatter
+ {
+ public:
+ CallStackFormatter() = default;
+ std::string format_address(const void* addr) const
+ {
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ return format_address_win32(addr);
+ #else
+ return format_address_fallback(addr);
+ #endif
+ }
+ private:
+ template <typename T>
+ static std::string put_between_brackets(const T& x)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "[" << x << "]";
+ return oss.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static std::string stringify(const T& x)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << x;
+ return oss.str();
+ }
+ static std::string format_address_fallback(const void* addr)
+ {
+ return put_between_brackets(addr);
+ }
+ static std::string format_module(
+ const std::string& module_name,
+ const void* offset = nullptr)
+ {
+ if (offset == nullptr)
+ return put_between_brackets(module_name);
+ else
+ return put_between_brackets(module_name + "+" + stringify(offset));
+ }
+ static std::string format_symbol(
+ const std::string& symbol_name,
+ const void* offset = nullptr)
+ {
+ return format_module(symbol_name, offset);
+ }
+ static std::string format_symbol(
+ const std::string& module_name,
+ const std::string& symbol_name,
+ const void* offset = nullptr)
+ {
+ return format_symbol(module_name + "!" + symbol_name, offset);
+ }
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ class DbgHelp
+ {
+ public:
+ DbgHelp()
+ {
+ initialized_flag = SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE) != FALSE;
+ }
+ bool initialized() const
+ {
+ return initialized_flag;
+ }
+ ~DbgHelp()
+ {
+ if (initialized_flag)
+ SymCleanup(GetCurrentProcess());
+ }
+ private:
+ bool initialized_flag = false;
+ DbgHelp(const DbgHelp&) = delete;
+ DbgHelp& operator=(const DbgHelp&) = delete;
+ };
+ DbgHelp dbghelp;
+ std::string format_address_win32(const void* addr) const
+ {
+ if (!dbghelp.initialized())
+ return format_address_fallback(addr);
+ DWORD64 symbol_info_buf[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYM_NAME];
+ const auto symbol_info = reinterpret_cast<SYMBOL_INFO*>(symbol_info_buf);
+ symbol_info->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
+ symbol_info->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME;
+ IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 module_info;
+ module_info.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE64);
+ DWORD64 symbol_offset;
+ const auto symbol_resolved = SymFromAddr(
+ GetCurrentProcess(),
+ reinterpret_cast<DWORD64>(addr),
+ &symbol_offset,
+ symbol_info);
+ if (symbol_resolved)
+ {
+ const auto module_resolved = SymGetModuleInfo64(
+ GetCurrentProcess(),
+ symbol_info->ModBase,
+ &module_info);
+ if (module_resolved)
+ {
+ return format_symbol(
+ module_info.ModuleName,
+ symbol_info->Name,
+ reinterpret_cast<const void*>(symbol_offset));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return format_symbol(symbol_info->Name, addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto module_resolved = SymGetModuleInfo64(
+ GetCurrentProcess(),
+ reinterpret_cast<DWORD64>(addr),
+ &module_info);
+ if (module_resolved)
+ {
+ const auto module_offset = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(addr) - module_info.BaseOfImage;
+ return format_module(module_info.ModuleName, module_offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return format_address_fallback(addr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/error.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/error.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2c783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/error.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include "debug.hpp"
+#include <aes/all.h>
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace aes
+ class Error : public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ public:
+ Error(const AES_ErrorDetails& err_details)
+ : std::runtime_error{format_error_message(err_details)}
+ {
+ fill_call_stack(err_details);
+ }
+ void for_each_addr(
+ const std::function<void (const void*, const std::string&)>& callback) const
+ {
+ aux::CallStackFormatter formatter;
+ std::for_each(
+ call_stack,
+ call_stack + call_stack_len,
+ [&formatter, &callback] (const void* addr)
+ {
+ callback(addr, formatter.format_address(addr));
+ });
+ }
+ private:
+ static std::string format_error_message(const AES_ErrorDetails& err_details)
+ {
+ std::vector<char> buf;
+ buf.resize(aes_format_error(&err_details, NULL, 0));
+ aes_format_error(&err_details, buf.data(), buf.size());
+ return {buf.begin(), buf.end()};
+ }
+ void fill_call_stack(const AES_ErrorDetails& err_details)
+ {
+ call_stack_len = err_details.call_stack_len;
+ if (call_stack_len > AES_MAX_CALL_STACK_LENGTH)
+ call_stack_len = AES_MAX_CALL_STACK_LENGTH;
+ std::memcpy(call_stack, err_details.call_stack, call_stack_len * sizeof(const void*));
+ }
+ std::size_t call_stack_len = 0;
+ const void* call_stack[AES_MAX_CALL_STACK_LENGTH] = {nullptr};
+ };
+ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Error& error)
+ {
+ os << "AES error: " << error.what() << '\n';
+ os << "Call stack:\n";
+ error.for_each_addr([&os] (const void* addr, const std::string& name)
+ {
+ os << '\t' << addr << ' ' << name << '\n';
+ });
+ return os;
+ }
+ class ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor
+ {
+ public:
+ ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor()
+ {
+ aes_success(get());
+ }
+ ~ErrorDetailsThrowsInDestructor() BOOST_NOEXCEPT_IF(false)
+ {
+ if (aes_is_error(aes_get_error_code(get())))
+ throw Error(impl);
+ }
+ AES_ErrorDetails* get() { return &impl; }
+ operator AES_ErrorDetails*() { return get(); }
+ private:
+ AES_ErrorDetails impl;
+ };
diff --git a/aesxx/include/aesxx/mode.hpp b/aesxx/include/aesxx/mode.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6c4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aesxx/include/aesxx/mode.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+// This file is part of the "AES tools" project.
+// For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/aes-tools.
+// Distributed under the MIT License.
+#pragma once
+#include <aes/all.h>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace aes
+ typedef AES_Mode Mode;
+ template <Mode mode>
+ struct ModeRequiresInitVector : public std::true_type
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ModeRequiresInitVector<AES_ECB> : public std::false_type
+ { };
+ template <Mode mode>
+ struct ModeUsesEncryptionKeysOnly : public std::true_type
+ { };
+ inline bool mode_requires_init_vector(Mode mode)
+ {
+ return mode != AES_ECB;
+ }
+ template <>
+ struct ModeUsesEncryptionKeysOnly<AES_ECB> : public std::false_type
+ { };
+ template <>
+ struct ModeUsesEncryptionKeysOnly<AES_CBC> : public std::false_type
+ { };
+ inline bool mode_uses_encryption_keys_only(Mode mode)
+ {
+ return mode != AES_ECB && mode != AES_CBC;
+ }
+#define AESXX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK_ECB(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void encrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_ECB>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext) \
+ { \
+ ciphertext = aes_## prefix ##_encrypt_block_ECB(plaintext, &encryption_keys); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_DECRYPT_BLOCK_ECB(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void decrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_ECB>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& decryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext) \
+ { \
+ plaintext = aes_## prefix ##_decrypt_block_ECB(ciphertext, &decryption_keys); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK_CBC(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void encrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_CBC>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext) \
+ { \
+ ciphertext = aes_## prefix ##_encrypt_block_CBC(plaintext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_DECRYPT_BLOCK_CBC(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void decrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_CBC>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& decryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext) \
+ { \
+ plaintext = aes_## prefix ##_decrypt_block_CBC(ciphertext, &decryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK_CFB(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void encrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_CFB>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext) \
+ { \
+ ciphertext = aes_## prefix ##_encrypt_block_CFB(plaintext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_DECRYPT_BLOCK_CFB(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void decrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_CFB>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext) \
+ { \
+ plaintext = aes_## prefix ##_decrypt_block_CFB(ciphertext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK_OFB(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void encrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_OFB>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext) \
+ { \
+ ciphertext = aes_## prefix ##_encrypt_block_OFB(plaintext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_DECRYPT_BLOCK_OFB(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void decrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_OFB>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext) \
+ { \
+ plaintext = aes_## prefix ##_decrypt_block_OFB(ciphertext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_ENCRYPT_BLOCK_CTR(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void encrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_CTR>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext) \
+ { \
+ ciphertext = aes_## prefix ##_encrypt_block_CTR(plaintext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }
+#define AESXX_DECRYPT_BLOCK_CTR(prefix) \
+ template <> \
+ inline void decrypt_block<AES_## prefix, AES_CTR>( \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& ciphertext, \
+ const typename Types<AES_## prefix>::RoundKeys& encryption_keys, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& iv, \
+ typename Types<AES_## prefix>::Block& plaintext) \
+ { \
+ plaintext = aes_## prefix ##_decrypt_block_CTR(ciphertext, &encryption_keys, iv, &iv); \
+ }