/** * \file * \author Egor Tensin * \date 2015 * \copyright This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * See LICENSE.txt for details. */ #pragma once #include typedef __m128i AesBlock128; static __inline AesBlock128 __fastcall make_aes_block128(int hi3, int hi2, int lo1, int lo0) { return _mm_set_epi32(hi3, hi2, lo1, lo0); } typedef struct { AesBlock128 hi; AesBlock128 lo; } AesBlock192; static __inline AesBlock192 __fastcall make_aes_block192(int hi5, int hi4, int lo3, int lo2, int lo1, int lo0) { return (AesBlock192) { .hi = make_aes_block128(0, 0, hi5, hi4), .lo = make_aes_block128(lo3, lo2, lo1, lo0) }; } typedef struct { AesBlock128 hi; AesBlock128 lo; } AesBlock256; static __inline AesBlock256 __fastcall make_aes_block256(int hi7, int hi6, int hi5, int hi4, int lo3, int lo2, int lo1, int lo0) { return (AesBlock256) { .hi = make_aes_block128(hi7, hi6, hi5, hi4), .lo = make_aes_block128(lo3, lo2, lo1, lo0) }; } typedef struct { AesBlock128 keys[11]; } Aes128KeySchedule; typedef struct { AesBlock128 keys[13]; char fillers[8]; } Aes192KeySchedule; typedef struct { AesBlock128 keys[15]; } Aes256KeySchedule; static __inline AesBlock128 __fastcall aes128_le2be(AesBlock128 block) { __declspec(align(16)) char xs[16]; _mm_store_si128((__m128i*) xs, block); return _mm_set_epi8(xs[0], xs[1], xs[2], xs[3], xs[4], xs[5], xs[6], xs[7], xs[8], xs[9], xs[10], xs[11], xs[12], xs[13], xs[14], xs[15]); } static __inline AesBlock128 __fastcall aes128_be2le(AesBlock128 block) { return aes128_le2be(block); } typedef struct { char str[33]; } AesBlockString128; typedef struct { char str[49]; } AesBlockString192; typedef struct { char str[65]; } AesBlockString256; AesBlockString128 format_aes_block128(AesBlock128*); AesBlockString192 format_aes_block192(AesBlock192*); AesBlockString256 format_aes_block256(AesBlock256*); AesBlockString128 format_aes_block128_fips_style(AesBlock128*); AesBlockString192 format_aes_block192_fips_style(AesBlock192*); AesBlockString256 format_aes_block256_fips_style(AesBlock256*); typedef struct { char str[49]; } AesBlockMatrixString128; typedef struct { char str[73]; } AesBlockMatrixString192; typedef struct { char str[97]; } AesBlockMatrixString256; AesBlockMatrixString128 format_aes_block128_fips_matrix_style(AesBlock128*); AesBlockMatrixString192 format_aes_block192_fips_matrix_style(AesBlock192*); AesBlockMatrixString256 format_aes_block256_fips_matrix_style(AesBlock256*); void print_aes_block128(AesBlock128*); void print_aes_block192(AesBlock192*); void print_aes_block256(AesBlock256*); void print_aes_block128_fips_style(AesBlock128*); void print_aes_block192_fips_style(AesBlock192*); void print_aes_block256_fips_style(AesBlock256*); void print_aes_block128_fips_matrix_style(AesBlock128*); void print_aes_block192_fips_matrix_style(AesBlock192*); void print_aes_block256_fips_matrix_style(AesBlock256*); int parse_aes_block128(AesBlock128*, const char*); int parse_aes_block192(AesBlock192*, const char*); int parse_aes_block256(AesBlock256*, const char*); int parse_aes_block128_fips_style(AesBlock128*, const char*); int parse_aes_block192_fips_style(AesBlock192*, const char*); int parse_aes_block256_fips_style(AesBlock256*, const char*);