/** * \file * \author Egor Tensin * \date 2015 * \copyright This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. * See LICENSE.txt for details. * * \brief Declares necessary data structures (for blocks, keys, etc.) and * auxiliary I/O functions. */ #pragma once #include "error.h" /** * \defgroup aesni_data Data * \brief Data structures and I/O functions * \ingroup aesni * \{ */ #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \brief Represents a 128-bit block. */ typedef __m128i AesNI_Block128; /** * \brief Loads a 128-bit block from a memory location. * * \param[in] src The pointer to a memory location. Must not be `NULL`. * \return The loaded 128-bit block. */ static __inline AesNI_Block128 aesni_load_block128(const void* src) { return _mm_loadu_si128((AesNI_Block128*) src); } /** * \brief Loads a 128-bit block from a 16-byte aligned memory location. * * \param[in] src The pointer to a 16-byte aligned memory location. Must not be * `NULL`. * \return The loaded 128-bit block. */ static __inline AesNI_Block128 aesni_load_block128_aligned(const void* src) { return _mm_load_si128((AesNI_Block128*) src); } /** * \brief Stores a 128-bit block in a memory location. * * \param[out] dest The pointer to a memory location. Must not be `NULL`. * \param[in] block The block to be stored. */ static __inline void __fastcall aesni_store_block128( void* dest, AesNI_Block128 block) { _mm_storeu_si128((AesNI_Block128*) dest, block); } /** * \brief Stores a 128-bit block in a 16-byte aligned memory location. * * \param[out] dest The pointer to a 16-byte aligned memory location. Must not * be `NULL`. * \param[in] block The block to be stored. */ static __inline void __fastcall aesni_store_block128_aligned( void* dest, AesNI_Block128 block) { _mm_store_si128((AesNI_Block128*) dest, block); } /** * \brief Builds a 128-bit block from four 4-byte values. * * Builds a 128-bit block like this: * * * dest[127:96] = hi3 * * dest[95:64] = hi2 * * dest[63:32] = lo1 * * dest[31:0] = lo0 * * \param[in] hi3 The most significant 4-byte value. * \param[in] hi2 The more significant 4-byte value. * \param[in] lo1 The less significant 4-byte value. * \param[in] lo0 The least significant 4-byte value. * \return The built 128-bit block. */ static __inline AesNI_Block128 __fastcall aesni_make_block128( int hi3, int hi2, int lo1, int lo0) { return _mm_set_epi32(hi3, hi2, lo1, lo0); } /** * \brief Represents a 192-bit block. */ typedef struct { AesNI_Block128 hi; ///< The most significant 64 bits. AesNI_Block128 lo; ///< The least significant 128 bits. } AesNI_Block192; /** * \brief Builds a 192-bit block from six 4-byte values. * * Builds a 192-bit block like this: * * * dest[191:160] = hi5 * * dest[159:128] = hi4 * * dest[127:96] = lo3 * * dest[95:64] = lo2 * * dest[63:32] = lo1 * * dest[31:0] = lo0 * * \param[in] hi5 The most significant 4-byte value (bits 160--191). * \param[in] hi4 The more significant 4-byte value (bits 128--159). * \param[in] lo3 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 96--127. * \param[in] lo2 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 64--95. * \param[in] lo1 The less significant 4-byte value (bits 32--63). * \param[in] lo0 The least significant 4-byte value (bits 0--31). * \return The built 192-bit block. */ static __inline AesNI_Block192 __fastcall aesni_make_block192( int hi5, int hi4, int lo3, int lo2, int lo1, int lo0) { AesNI_Block192 result; result.hi = aesni_make_block128(0, 0, hi5, hi4); result.lo = aesni_make_block128(lo3, lo2, lo1, lo0); return result; } /** * \brief Represents a 256-bit block. */ typedef struct { AesNI_Block128 hi; ///< The most significant 128 bits. AesNI_Block128 lo; ///< The least significant 128 bits. } AesNI_Block256; /** * \brief Builds a 256-bit block from eight 4-byte values. * * Builds a 256-bit block like this: * * * dest[255:224] = hi7 * * dest[223:192] = hi6 * * dest[191:160] = hi5 * * dest[159:128] = hi4 * * dest[127:96] = lo3 * * dest[95:64] = lo2 * * dest[63:32] = lo1 * * dest[31:0] = lo0 * * \param[in] hi7 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 224--255. * \param[in] hi6 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 192--223. * \param[in] hi5 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 160--191. * \param[in] hi4 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 128--159. * \param[in] lo3 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 96--127. * \param[in] lo2 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 64--95. * \param[in] lo1 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 32--63. * \param[in] lo0 The 4-byte value to be stored in bits 0--31. * \return The built 256-bit block. */ static __inline AesNI_Block256 __fastcall aesni_make_block256( int hi7, int hi6, int hi5, int hi4, int lo3, int lo2, int lo1, int lo0) { AesNI_Block256 result; result.hi = aesni_make_block128(hi7, hi6, hi5, hi4); result.lo = aesni_make_block128(lo3, lo2, lo1, lo0); return result; } typedef struct { AesNI_Block128 keys[11]; } AesNI_KeySchedule128; typedef struct { AesNI_Block128 keys[13]; } AesNI_KeySchedule192; typedef struct { AesNI_Block128 keys[15]; } AesNI_KeySchedule256; static __inline AesNI_Block128 __fastcall aesni_reverse_byte_order128(AesNI_Block128 block) { return _mm_shuffle_epi8(block, aesni_make_block128(0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f)); } static __inline AesNI_Block128 __fastcall aesni_le2be128(AesNI_Block128 block) { return aesni_reverse_byte_order128(block); } static __inline AesNI_Block128 __fastcall aesni_be2le128(AesNI_Block128 block) { return aesni_reverse_byte_order128(block); } typedef struct { char str[33]; } AesNI_BlockString128; typedef struct { char str[49]; } AesNI_BlockString192; typedef struct { char str[65]; } AesNI_BlockString256; AesNI_StatusCode aesni_format_block128(AesNI_BlockString128*, const AesNI_Block128*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_format_block192(AesNI_BlockString192*, const AesNI_Block192*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_format_block256(AesNI_BlockString256*, const AesNI_Block256*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); typedef struct { char str[49]; } AesNI_BlockMatrixString128; typedef struct { char str[73]; } AesNI_BlockMatrixString192; typedef struct { char str[97]; } AesNI_BlockMatrixString256; AesNI_StatusCode aesni_format_block128_as_matrix(AesNI_BlockMatrixString128*, const AesNI_Block128*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_format_block192_as_matrix(AesNI_BlockMatrixString192*, const AesNI_Block192*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_format_block256_as_matrix(AesNI_BlockMatrixString256*, const AesNI_Block256*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_print_block128(const AesNI_Block128*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_print_block192(const AesNI_Block192*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_print_block256(const AesNI_Block256*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_print_block128_as_matrix(const AesNI_Block128*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_print_block192_as_matrix(const AesNI_Block192*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_print_block256_as_matrix(const AesNI_Block256*, AesNI_ErrorDetails*); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_parse_block128( AesNI_Block128* dest, const char* src, AesNI_ErrorDetails* err_details); AesNI_StatusCode aesni_parse_block192( AesNI_Block192* dest, const char* src, AesNI_ErrorDetails* err_details); /** * \brief Parses a 256-bit block, from the least significant to the most significant byte. * * The block is parsed from a hexadecimal number represented using the big endian notation. * * The source string may optionally start with "0x" or "0X". * Then 64 characters in the range [0-9a-fA-F] must follow. * * \param[out] dest The pointer to the parsed block. Must not be `NULL`. * \param[in] src The pointer to the source C string. Must not be `NULL`. * \param[out] err_details The error details structure. * \retval AESNI_SUCCESS If parsed successfully. * \retval AESNI_NULL_ARGUMENT_ERROR If either `dest` or `src` is `NULL`. * \retval AESNI_PARSE_ERROR If `src` couldn't be parsed as a valid 256-bit block. * \sa aesni_error_handling. */ AesNI_StatusCode aesni_parse_block256( AesNI_Block256* dest, const char* src, AesNI_ErrorDetails* err_details); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** * \} */