name: Check that Boost libraries were built description: Check that Boost libraries were built inputs: librarydir: description: Directory with the library files required: true libraries: description: Libraries to check required: true toolset: description: Toolset used required: false default: auto static: description: Look for static libraries required: false default: 0 runs: using: composite steps: - run: | New-Variable os -Value '${{ runner.os }}' -Option Constant New-Variable windows_host -Value ($os -eq 'Windows') -Option Constant New-Variable librarydir -Value '${{ inputs.librarydir }}' -Option Constant New-Variable toolset -Value '${{ inputs.toolset }}' -Option Constant New-Variable static -Value ('${{ inputs.static }}' -eq '1') -Option Constant if ($static) { $prefix = 'lib' $ext = '.a' if ($windows_host -and $toolset -in @('auto', 'clang', 'msvc')) { $ext = '.lib' } } else { $prefix = 'lib' if ($windows_host -and $toolset -in @('auto', 'clang', 'msvc')) { $prefix = '' } $ext = '.so' if ($windows_host) { $ext = '.dll' } } $expected = '${{ inputs.libraries }}' $expected = $expected.Split(' ', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) $expected = $expected | %{"${prefix}boost_$_$ext"} foreach ($lib in $expected) { $path = Join-Path $librarydir $lib $(Test-Path $path -Type Leaf) -or $(throw "Couldn't find Boost library at: $path") } shell: pwsh