Workspace setup --------------- * Create a virtual Python environment: `make venv` * Use the virtual environment: `. .venv/bin/activate` * Deactivate the environment when you're done: `deactivate` * Make sure basic tests work: `make test` Development ----------- * Run unit tests: `make test/unit` * There're three integration tests: `local`, `docker` and `example`. Run them using make test/local sudo make test/docker make test/example * The `example` test uses the forges' APIs and might easily hit rate limits. Set environment variables described in [examples/cgitize.toml] to use "access tokens" and get much higher rate limits. * Run both unit tests and the `local` test using make test [examples/cgitize.toml]: examples/cgitize.toml Upgrading dependencies ---------------------- * Upgrade virtual environment packages: `make venv/upgrade` * Upgrade base Docker images. * Find the current base images using `git grep -P 'FROM \w+:'` * Upgrade the [cmark-gfm] version used in the [cgitize-frontend Docker image]. [cmark-gfm]: [cgitize-frontend Docker image]: docker/frontend/Dockerfile Releases -------- * Make a git tag for a new minor version using `make tag`. You can then review it and push using `git push --tags`. * For a new major version, update the version in the docker-compose definition in docker/