# Copyright (c) 2018 Egor Tensin # This file is part of the "cgitize" project. # For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/cgitize. # Distributed under the MIT License. import logging import os import shutil from cgitize.git import Git from cgitize.utils import chdir class CGitServer: def __init__(self, clone_url): self.clone_url = clone_url def get_clone_url(self, repo): if self.clone_url is None: return None return self.clone_url.format(repo=repo.url_path) class CGitRCWriter: def __init__(self, cgit_server): self.cgit_server = cgit_server @staticmethod def get_path(repo_dir): return os.path.join(repo_dir, 'cgitrc') def write(self, repo_dir, repo): with open(self.get_path(repo_dir), 'w') as fd: self._write_field(fd, 'clone-url', self._build_clone_url(repo)) self._write_field(fd, 'owner', repo.owner) self._write_field(fd, 'desc', repo.desc) self._write_field(fd, 'homepage', repo.homepage) @staticmethod def _write_field(fd, field, value): if value is None: return fd.write(f'{field}={value}\n') def _build_clone_url(self, repo): clone_urls = [] cgit_clone_url = self.cgit_server.get_clone_url(repo) if cgit_clone_url is not None: clone_urls.append(cgit_clone_url) if repo.clone_url is not None: clone_urls.append(repo.clone_url) if not clone_urls: return None clone_urls = ' '.join(clone_urls) return clone_urls class AgeFile: @staticmethod def write(repo_dir): timestamp = AgeFile.get_age(repo_dir) if timestamp: os.makedirs(AgeFile.get_dir(repo_dir), exist_ok=True) with open(AgeFile.get_path(repo_dir), mode='w') as fd: fd.write(f'{timestamp}') @staticmethod def get_age(repo_dir): # https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/tree/contrib/hooks/post-receive.agefile # Except I think that the committer date, not author date better # represents activity. with chdir(repo_dir): success, output = Git.capture('for-each-ref', '--sort=-committerdate', '--count=1', '--format=%(committerdate:iso8601)') if not success: logging.error("Couldn't get the timestamp of the newest commit in repository: %s", repo_dir) return None return output @staticmethod def get_dir(repo_dir): return os.path.join(repo_dir, 'info', 'web') @staticmethod def get_path(repo_dir): return os.path.join(AgeFile.get_dir(repo_dir), 'last-modified') class CGitRepositories: def __init__(self, output_dir, cgit_server, force=False): self.dir = self._make_dir(output_dir) self.cgitrc = CGitRCWriter(cgit_server) self.force = force @staticmethod def _make_dir(rel_path): abs_path = os.path.abspath(rel_path) os.makedirs(abs_path, exist_ok=True) return abs_path def get_repo_dir(self, repo): return os.path.join(self.dir, repo.dir) def update(self, repo): success = self._mirror_or_update(repo) if success: self.cgitrc.write(self.get_repo_dir(repo), repo) AgeFile.write(self.get_repo_dir(repo)) return success def _mirror_or_update(self, repo): repo_dir = self.get_repo_dir(repo) if not os.path.isdir(repo_dir): # The local directory doesn't exist, mirror the new repository. return self._mirror(repo) with chdir(repo_dir): success, output = Git.capture('rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree') if not success: # Overwrite the existing directory if it's not a Git repository. logging.warning('Local directory is not a repository, going to overwrite it: %s', repo_dir) return self._mirror(repo) success, output = Git.capture('config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url') if not success: # Every repository managed by this script should have the # 'origin' remote. If it doesn't, it's trash. Overwrite the # existing directory, mirroring the repository in it. logging.warning("Local repository doesn't have remote 'origin', going to overwrite it: %s", repo_dir) return self._mirror(repo) if f'{repo.clone_url}\n' != output: # Jeez, there's a proper local repository in the target # directory already with a different upstream; something's # wrong, fix it manually. logging.warning("Existing repository '%s' doesn't match the specified clone URL: %s", repo.name, repo.clone_url) if self.force: # Unless --force was specified, in which case we overwrite # the repository. return self._fix_upstream_url(repo) and self._update_existing(repo) return False # The local directory contains the local version of the upstream, # update it. return self._update_existing(repo) def _mirror(self, repo): logging.info("Mirroring repository '%s' from: %s", repo.name, repo.clone_url) repo_dir = self.get_repo_dir(repo) if os.path.isdir(repo_dir): try: shutil.rmtree(repo_dir) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return False with Git.setup_auth(repo): return Git.check('clone', '--mirror', '--quiet', repo.clone_url, repo_dir) def _fix_upstream_url(self, repo): repo_dir = self.get_repo_dir(repo) with chdir(repo_dir): return Git.check('remote', 'set-url', 'origin', repo.clone_url) def _update_existing(self, repo): logging.info("Updating repository '%s'", repo.name) repo_dir = self.get_repo_dir(repo) with chdir(repo_dir): with Git.setup_auth(repo): if not Git.check('remote', 'update', '--prune'): return False # In case the local repository is not a bare repository, but a # full-fledged working copy: if Git.check('rev-parse', '--verify', '--quiet', 'origin/master'): return Git.check('reset', '--soft', 'origin/master') return True