cgitize in Docker ================= cgitize is executed as a cron job inside the container. The `SCHEDULE` environment variable controls how often it gets run (see below). * Image: **egortensin/cgitize** * Volumes: * `/etc/cgitize/cgitize.toml`: configuration file path. * `/mnt/cgitize`: by default, cloned repositories will be written here. * `/ssh-agent.sock`: if you use SSH, map the agent socket here. * Environment variables: * `SCHEDULE`: defaults to "once", which makes the container exit after the first run. You can also set it to "15min", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly" or a custom 5-part cron schedule like "*/5 * * * *". Frontend -------- There's a web server image with a working cgit installation. * Image: **egortensin/cgitize-frontend** * Volumes: * `/etc/cgitrc`: if you use a custom cgit configuration, map it here. It could look like this: # Generally useful and opionated settings, included in the image. include=/etc/cgit/common # If you serve from a subdirectory. virtual-root=/custom/ root-title=Custom title root-desc=Custom description * `/mnt/cgitize`: map cgitize's output directory here. Compose ------- See the root docker-compose.yml file for a possible services definition. In this configuration, cgitize pulls my repositories from GitHub every 3 hours. You can test it by running docker-compose build docker-compose up -d and visiting http://localhost:80/.