path: root/20160326_egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster.pgn
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Diffstat (limited to '20160326_egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster.pgn')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/20160326_egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster.pgn b/20160326_egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster.pgn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb0278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20160326_egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster.pgn
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+[Event "Live Chess"]
+[Site "Chess.com"]
+[Date "2016.03.26"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "egor_tensin"]
+[Black "GranMuster"]
+[Result "1-0"]
+[WhiteElo "1628"]
+[BlackElo "1581"]
+[TimeControl "900+10"]
+[Termination "egor_tensin won by checkmate"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+[CurrentPosition "Q7/8/k6p/2K4P/8/8/8/3B4 b - - 0 69"]
+{A bishop ending I enjoyed.}
+1.c4 Nf6
+2.d4 d5
+3.Nc3 g6
+4.cxd5 Nxd5
+5.e4 Nf6
+6.e5 Nd5
+7.Nf3 Bg7
+8.Bc4 e6
+9.Qb3 c6
+10.O-O O-O
+11.Nxd5 exd5
+12.Bd3 Nd7
+13.Bg5 f6
+14.exf6 Bxf6
+15.Bf4 Bg7
+16.Bg3 Nf6
+17.Ne5 Nh5
+18.Rae1 Nxg3
+19.fxg3 Rxf1+
+20.Rxf1 Rb8
+21.Qc2 Qg5
+22.Qf2 Be6
+23.h4 Qe7
+24.Qe2 Rf8
+25.Rf3 {I am oh-so-much worse. Can't blame me for trying to straighten up my
+pawns, right?} Bxe5
+26.Qxe5 Rxf3 {And my opponent helps me out. Not worse anymore!}
+27.gxf3 Qf7
+28.Kg2 a6
+29.Qg5 Kg7
+30.h5 h6 {Blundering into a completely lost bishop ending. Of course, I barely
+managed to win it.}
+31.Qxg6+ Qxg6
+32.Bxg6 Kf6
+33.b3 b6
+34.Kf2 {I thought his kingside pawn majority was dangerous, so sent my King to
+reenforce.} c5
+35.Ke3 c4
+36.Kd2 {Consistently trying to play out the wrong plan.} b5
+37.bxc4 dxc4
+38.Kc3 Kg5
+39.Kb4 {OK, I'm happy, his kingside pawns aren't dangerous anymore.} Bf5
+40.Be8 {Not sure what to do next though.}
+ (40.f4+ {Wins often in this endgame.} Kf6 (40...Kg4 41.Bxf5 {is the same.})
+41.Bxf5 Kxf5 42.d5 Kf6 43.g4 {and so forth.})
+41.a3 Bd5
+42.f4+ Kg4
+43.Bg6 Be6
+ (44.Be4 {and now if} Kxg3 45.f5 {wins.})
+45.Kb4 {Picturesque, but wrong.}
+ (45.Bxf5+ Kxf5 46.Kb4 a5+ 47.Kc3 {is same old, same old.})
+46.Kc3 Be6
+47.Be8 {Going for those pawns! Sigh.} Kxg3
+48.Bxb5 {Giving the pawn on f4 up for nothing.}
+ (48.f5 {was much better. And now if} Bxf5 49.Bxb5 Kf4 50.Kxc4 {White's
+completely winning after something like} Kg5 51.d5 Kf6 52.d6 Ke6 53.Kc5 Be4
+54.Be2 Kd7 55.Bg4+ Kd8 56.a4 Ke8 57.Kb6 Kd8 58.Kxa5)
+49.Bxc4 Bd7 {And it's closer to a draw than ever. Might be a dead draw,
+50.Bf7 a4 {The fatal mistake. Now it's over. The tragedy of a single move!}
+ (50...Bb5 {was so much more solid. Not sure how to break through, if that's
+at all possible.})
+51.Kc4 Ke4
+52.Kc5 Kf5
+53.d5 Ke5
+54.d6 Kf6
+55.Bg6 Ke5
+56.Bc2 Kf6
+57.Kb6 Ke5
+58.Kc7 Be8
+59.d7 Bxd7
+60.Kxd7 Kf4
+61.Bxa4 Kg5
+62.Bd1 Kf4
+63.a4 Ke5
+64.Kc6 Kd4
+65.a5 Kc4
+66.a6 Kb4
+67.a7 Ka5
+68.Kc5 Ka6