[Event "Rated Blitz game"] [Site "https://lichess.org/G6zvTwoG"] [Date "2018.01.24"] [Round "-"] [White "koskati"] [Black "egor_tensin"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1740"] [BlackElo "1713"] [TimeControl "300+3"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator "egor_tensin"] {Another winning streak, another instance of the "every game is precious" phenomenon. This one commemorates the fact that my opponents have taught me not to take the pawn in 6.e6 Karo-Cann's.} 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.g4 Bg6 5.h4 h5 6.e6 Nf6 (6...hxg4 {I need to remember that.}) 7.exf7+ Bxf7 8.g5 Ne4 9.Nf3 Nd7 10.Bf4 e6 11.Nbd2 Nxd2 {I'm still refusing to learn any theory of course.} (11...Qb6) 12.Qxd2 Be7 13.Bd3 O-O 14.Be5 Nxe5 15.Nxe5 Be8 16.O-O-O Bd6 17.Qe2 Bxe5 18.Qxe5 Qe7 19.g6 Qf6 20.Qxh5 Qf4+ 21.Kb1 Qh6 {Barely hanging on.} 22.Qe5 Bxg6 23.Qxe6+ Bf7 24.Qxh6 {I was relieved to see that: probably not getting mated now.} gxh6 25.Rhg1+ Kh8 26.Rde1 Rae8 27.Kc1 Bg8 28.Rxe8 Rxe8 29.Rg6 Re6 30.h5 Rxg6 31.Bxg6 Kg7 32.Kd2 Be6 33.Ke3 Bg4 34.f4 b6 35.f5 Kf6 36.Kf4 Bd1 37.c3 c5 38.a3 a5 39.dxc5 bxc5 40.Ke3 d4+?? (40...Bb3 {and I can just shuffle, I think.}) 41.cxd4 cxd4+ 42.Kxd4 Kg5 43.Kc5 Bc2 44.Kb5 a4 45.Kb4 Bxf5 {By this point I recognized how incredibly lost I was, so went for a trick.} 46.Kxa4?? (46.Bxf5 {and I would resign.}) Bxg6 47.hxg6 Kxg6 48.Kb4 {lolwat} h5 49.a4 h4 50.a5 h3 51.a6 h2 52.Kc5 h1=Q {The rest was me desperately trying to stop the pawns, not paying any attention to the possible mating combinations.} 53.b4 Kf6 54.b5 Ke7 55.b6 Qa8 56.b7 Qa7+ 57.Kc6 Qxa6+ 58.Kc7 Qc4+ (58...Qd6+ {gotta remember that.}) 59.Kb8 Kd7 60.Ka7 Qc7 61.Ka6 Qb8 (61...Kc6) 62.Kb6 Kd6 63.Ka6 Kc7 64.Ka5 0-1