[Event "Live Chess"] [Site "Chess.com"] [Date "2015.09.16"] [Round "-"] [White "egor_tensin"] [Black "Vladimir_VP"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "1676"] [BlackElo "1536"] [TimeControl "900+10"] [Termination "Game drawn by repetition"] [Annotator "egor_tensin"] {Can't believe I've let such an advantage slip.} 1.Nf3 Nc6 2.g3 e5 3.d3 Nf6 4.Bg2 d5 5.O-O Bd6 6.Nbd2 O-O 7.e4 d4 8.Nc4 Bg4 9.Nxd6 Qxd6 10.Qd2 Bxf3 11.Bxf3 Qe6 12.Bg2 b6 13.Qe2 Qg4 14.Qxg4 Nxg4 15.f3 Ne3 16.Bxe3 dxe3 17.Rfe1 Nd4 18.Rac1 f5 19.exf5 Rxf5 20.Rxe3 Raf8 21.Kf2 Re8 22.c3 Nc6 23.f4 Nd8 24.Rce1 Nf7 25.Kg1 {I have a decisive advantage.} g6 26.Bh3 Rh5 27.Bg4 Rh6 {My opponent's having a hard time saving his rook from getting trapped. I gotta win this, right?} 28.fxe5 Kg7 29.h4 g5 30.h5 c5 31.Bd7 Re7 32.e6 Nd8 33.g4 Rf6 34.Re5 h6 35.Kg2 Rf4 36.Kg3 Rf6 37.R1e2 Rf1 38.d4 cxd4 39.cxd4 Rd1 40.d5 Rd3+ 41.Kg2 Rd4 42.R5e4 {Just silly, although it was hard for me to see how I could maintain my advantage.} (42.Bc8 {apparently does the job.}) 42...Rxd5 43.Rc4 Rd6 (43...Rdxd7 {would've won for Black. That would've been truly embarassing.}) 44.Rce4 {It's a dead draw now.} a5 45.a4 Kf6 46.Rf2+ Kg7 47.Rfe2 Kf6 48.Rf2+ Kg7 49.Rfe2 Kf6 50.Rf2+ 1/2-1/2