include COMPILER ?= clang CONFIGURATION ?= debug DEFAULT_HOST ?= DEFAULT_PORT ?= 5556 COVERAGE ?= STATIC_ANALYZER ?= $(eval $(call noexpand,COMPILER)) $(eval $(call noexpand,CONFIGURATION)) $(eval $(call noexpand,DEFAULT_HOST)) $(eval $(call noexpand,DEFAULT_PORT)) $(eval $(call noexpand,COVERAGE)) $(eval $(call noexpand,STATIC_ANALYZER)) src_dir := $(abspath .) build_dir := $(src_dir)/build .PHONY: all all: debug .PHONY: DO DO: .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf -- '$(call escape,$(build_dir))' .PHONY: build build: @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo 'Building: $(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @mkdir -p -- '$(call escape,$(build_dir)/cmake)' cmake \ -G 'Unix Makefiles' \ -D 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(call escape,$(COMPILER))' \ -D 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' \ -D 'CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(call escape,$(build_dir)/install)' \ -D 'DEFAULT_HOST=$(call escape,$(DEFAULT_HOST))' \ -D 'DEFAULT_PORT=$(call escape,$(DEFAULT_PORT))' \ -D 'TEST_REPORT_DIR=$(call escape,$(build_dir)/test_report)' \ -D 'COVERAGE=$(call escape,$(COVERAGE))' \ -D 'STATIC_ANALYZER=$(call escape,$(STATIC_ANALYZER))' \ -D 'FLAME_GRAPHS_DIR=$(call escape,$(build_dir)/flame_graphs)' \ -S '$(call escape,$(src_dir))' \ -B '$(call escape,$(build_dir)/cmake)' cmake --build '$(call escape,$(build_dir)/cmake)' -- -j .PHONY: debug debug debug/%: CONFIGURATION := debug debug debug/%: build_dir := $(build_dir)/debug debug: build .PHONY: release release release/%: CONFIGURATION := release release release/%: build_dir := $(build_dir)/release release: build # Coverage report depends on GCC debug data. .PHONY: coverage coverage coverage/%: CONFIGURATION := debug coverage coverage/%: COMPILER := gcc coverage coverage/%: COVERAGE := 1 coverage coverage/%: build_dir := $(build_dir)/coverage coverage: build coverage/test @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo Generating code coverage report @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @mkdir -p -- '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/html' gcovr --html-details '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/html/index.html' --print-summary ifndef CI xdg-open '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/html/index.html' &> /dev/null endif # This a separate target, because CMake is kinda dumb; if you run `make debug` # and then `make debug COMPILER=gcc STATIC_ANALYZER=1`, it'll run a rebuild, # but won't include the -fanalyzer option for some reason. .PHONY: analyzer analyzer analyzer/%: CONFIGURATION := debug analyzer analyzer/%: COMPILER := gcc analyzer analyzer/%: STATIC_ANALYZER := 1 analyzer analyzer/%: build_dir := $(build_dir)/analyzer analyzer: build %/install: % DO cmake --install '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/cmake' %/test: DO @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo Running tests @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- ctest --test-dir '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/cmake' \ --verbose --tests-regex python_tests_default %/report: DO @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo Generating test report @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- ctest --test-dir '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/cmake' \ --verbose --tests-regex python_tests_report ifndef CI xdg-open '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/test_report/index.html' &> /dev/null endif # A subset of tests, excluding long-running stress tests. %/sanity: DO @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo Running sanity tests @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- ctest --test-dir '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/cmake' \ --verbose --tests-regex python_tests_sanity # Same, but run under Valgrind. %/valgrind: DO @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo Running sanity tests w/ Valgrind @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- ctest --test-dir '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/cmake' \ --verbose --tests-regex python_tests_valgrind # When building a Docker image for a different platform, exclude stress tests: # they simply take way too long. %/flame_graphs: DO @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- @echo Generating flame graphs @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- ctest --test-dir '$(call escape,$(build_dir))/cmake' \ --verbose --tests-regex python_tests_flame_graphs