# Copyright (c) 2023 Egor Tensin # This file is part of the "cimple" project. # For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/cimple. # Distributed under the MIT License. import abc import base64 import logging import os import random import shlex import shutil from .process import Process class Repo: BRANCH = 'main' def __init__(self, path): self.path = os.path.abspath(path) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) self.run('git', 'init', '-q', f'--initial-branch={Repo.BRANCH}') self.run('git', 'config', 'user.name', 'Test User') self.run('git', 'config', 'user.email', 'test@example.com') def run(self, *args, **kwargs): Process.run(*args, cwd=self.path, **kwargs) CI_SCRIPT = r'''#!/bin/sh -e readonly runs_dir={runs_dir} readonly run_output_template=run_XXXXXX run_output_path="$( mktemp --tmpdir="$runs_dir" "$run_output_template" )" touch -- "$run_output_path" ''' class TestRepo(Repo): # Prevent Pytest from discovering test cases in this class: __test__ = False def __init__(self, path, ci_script='ci'): super().__init__(path) self.runs_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'runs') os.makedirs(self.runs_dir, exist_ok=True) self.ci_script_path = os.path.join(self.path, ci_script) self.write_ci_script() self.run('git', 'add', '--', ci_script) self.run('git', 'commit', '-q', '-m', 'add CI script') @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def codename(): pass @abc.abstractmethod def run_exit_code_matches(self, ec): pass @abc.abstractmethod def run_output_matches(self, output): pass def write_ci_script(self): with open(self.ci_script_path, mode='x') as f: f.write(self.format_ci_script()) os.chmod(self.ci_script_path, 0o755) def format_ci_script(self): runs_dir = shlex.quote(self.runs_dir) return CI_SCRIPT.format(runs_dir=runs_dir) def _count_run_files(self): return len([name for name in os.listdir(self.runs_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.runs_dir, name))]) def run_files_are_present(self, expected): assert expected == self._count_run_files() class TestRepoOutput(TestRepo, abc.ABC): __test__ = False OUTPUT_SCRIPT_NAME = 'generate-output' def __init__(self, path): self.output_script_path = os.path.join(path, TestRepoOutput.OUTPUT_SCRIPT_NAME) super().__init__(path) self.write_output_script() self.run('git', 'add', '--', TestRepoOutput.OUTPUT_SCRIPT_NAME) self.run('git', 'commit', '-q', '-m', 'add output script') def format_ci_script(self): script = super().format_ci_script() added = r'{output_script} | tee -a "$run_output_path"'.format( output_script=shlex.quote(self.output_script_path)) return f'{script}\n{added}\n' def write_output_script(self): with open(self.output_script_path, mode='x') as f: f.write(self.format_output_script()) os.chmod(self.output_script_path, 0o755) @abc.abstractmethod def format_output_script(self): pass def run_exit_code_matches(self, ec): return ec == 0 OUTPUT_SCRIPT_SIMPLE = r'''#!/bin/sh -e timestamp="$( date --iso-8601=ns )" echo "A CI run happened at $timestamp" ''' class TestRepoOutputSimple(TestRepoOutput): __test__ = False @staticmethod def codename(): return 'output_simple' def format_output_script(self): return OUTPUT_SCRIPT_SIMPLE def run_output_matches(self, output): return output.decode().startswith('A CI run happened at ') OUTPUT_SCRIPT_EMPTY = r'''#!/bin/sh ''' class TestRepoOutputEmpty(TestRepoOutput): __test__ = False @staticmethod def codename(): return 'output_empty' def format_output_script(self): return OUTPUT_SCRIPT_EMPTY def run_output_matches(self, output): return len(output) == 0 OUTPUT_SCRIPT_LONG = r'''#!/bin/sh -e dd if=/dev/urandom count={output_len_kb} bs=1024 | base64 ''' class TestRepoOutputLong(TestRepoOutput): __test__ = False OUTPUT_LEN_KB = 300 @staticmethod def codename(): return 'output_long' def format_output_script(self): output_len = TestRepoOutputLong.OUTPUT_LEN_KB output_len = shlex.quote(str(output_len)) return OUTPUT_SCRIPT_LONG.format(output_len_kb=output_len) def run_output_matches(self, output): return len(output) > TestRepoOutputLong.OUTPUT_LEN_KB * 1024 OUTPUT_SCRIPT_NULL = r'''#!/usr/bin/env python3 output = {output} import sys sys.stdout.buffer.write(output) ''' class TestRepoOutputNull(TestRepoOutput): __test__ = False OUTPUT = b'123\x00456\x00789' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert len(TestRepoOutputNull.OUTPUT) == 11 self.output = TestRepoOutputNull.OUTPUT super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def codename(): return 'output_null' def format_output_script(self): return OUTPUT_SCRIPT_NULL.format(output=repr(self.output)) def run_output_matches(self, output): return output == self.output class TestRepoSegfault(TestRepo): __test__ = False def __init__(self, repo_path, prog_path): self.prog_path = prog_path super().__init__(repo_path) @staticmethod def codename(): return 'segfault' def write_ci_script(self): shutil.copy(self.prog_path, self.ci_script_path) def run_exit_code_matches(self, ec): # If WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status) == SIGSEGV, then the $? # would be 139. return ec == 139 def run_output_matches(self, output): return "Started the test program.\n" == output.decode() def run_files_are_present(self, *args): return True