name: Test on: push: pull_request: schedule: # Weekly, at 5:45 AM on Friday (somewhat randomly chosen). - cron: '45 5 * * 5' workflow_dispatch: jobs: test: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: os: [windows-2016, windows-2019, windows-latest] python: [0, 1] default: [0, 1] include: # Prettier run names. - {os: windows-2016, name: 2016} - {os: windows-2019, name: 2019} - {os: windows-latest, name: latest} - {default: 0, default_descr: ''} - {default: 1, default_descr: ' + C:\Windows'} - {python: 0, python_descr: ''} - {python: 1, python_descr: ' + setup-python'} runs-on: '${{ matrix.os }}' name: '${{ }}${{ matrix.default_descr }}${{ matrix.python_descr }}' defaults: run: shell: pwsh steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: '3.x' if: matrix.python - name: Show %PATH% run: | $env:PATH.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) | %{ echo $_ } # There should be plenty of MinGW distributions in PATH, some kind of GCC # should be there. - name: gcc.exe should be found run: | $(Get-Command gcc -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or $(throw "gcc.exe wasn't found!") - name: python.exe should be found run: | $(Get-Command python -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or $(throw "python.exe wasn't found!") if: matrix.python - name: Clean up PATH uses: ./ with: dirs: C:\foo;C:\bar default: '${{ matrix.default }}' - name: Show %PATH% run: | $env:PATH.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) | %{ echo $_ } - name: gcc.exe shouldn't be found run: | $(Get-Command gcc -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and $(throw "cl.exe was found!") # I'm not sure how this works actually. # Do these setup-* actions use a different API? - name: python.exe should _still_ be found run: | $(Get-Command python -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or $(throw "python.exe wasn't found!") if: matrix.python - name: Check %PATH% run: | $env:PATH.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) | %{ if ($_.StartsWith('C:\Program Files\PowerShell')) { # Thanks to `shell: pwsh`, C:\Program Files\PowerShell should # be there. } elseif ('${{ matrix.default }}' -eq '1' -and $_.StartsWith('C:\Windows')) { # If the default paths are added, they all should start with # C:\Windows. } elseif ('${{ matrix.python }}' -eq '1' -and $_.Contains('\Python\')) { # If we're testing w/ setup-python, it should still be there. } elseif ($_ -eq 'C:\foo' -or $_ -eq 'C:\bar') { # Our custom directories. } else { throw "Unexpected path: $_" } }