const assert = require('assert') const { kRetryHandlerDefaultRetry } = require('../core/symbols') const { RequestRetryError } = require('../core/errors') const { isDisturbed, parseHeaders, parseRangeHeader } = require('../core/util') function calculateRetryAfterHeader (retryAfter) { const current = const diff = new Date(retryAfter).getTime() - current return diff } class RetryHandler { constructor (opts, handlers) { const { retryOptions, ...dispatchOpts } = opts const { // Retry scoped retry: retryFn, maxRetries, maxTimeout, minTimeout, timeoutFactor, // Response scoped methods, errorCodes, retryAfter, statusCodes } = retryOptions ?? {} this.dispatch = handlers.dispatch this.handler = handlers.handler this.opts = dispatchOpts this.abort = null this.aborted = false this.retryOpts = { retry: retryFn ?? RetryHandler[kRetryHandlerDefaultRetry], retryAfter: retryAfter ?? true, maxTimeout: maxTimeout ?? 30 * 1000, // 30s, timeout: minTimeout ?? 500, // .5s timeoutFactor: timeoutFactor ?? 2, maxRetries: maxRetries ?? 5, // What errors we should retry methods: methods ?? ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'TRACE'], // Indicates which errors to retry statusCodes: statusCodes ?? [500, 502, 503, 504, 429], // List of errors to retry errorCodes: errorCodes ?? [ 'ECONNRESET', 'ECONNREFUSED', 'ENOTFOUND', 'ENETDOWN', 'ENETUNREACH', 'EHOSTDOWN', 'EHOSTUNREACH', 'EPIPE' ] } this.retryCount = 0 this.start = 0 this.end = null this.etag = null this.resume = null // Handle possible onConnect duplication this.handler.onConnect(reason => { this.aborted = true if (this.abort) { this.abort(reason) } else { this.reason = reason } }) } onRequestSent () { if (this.handler.onRequestSent) { this.handler.onRequestSent() } } onUpgrade (statusCode, headers, socket) { if (this.handler.onUpgrade) { this.handler.onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket) } } onConnect (abort) { if (this.aborted) { abort(this.reason) } else { this.abort = abort } } onBodySent (chunk) { if (this.handler.onBodySent) return this.handler.onBodySent(chunk) } static [kRetryHandlerDefaultRetry] (err, { state, opts }, cb) { const { statusCode, code, headers } = err const { method, retryOptions } = opts const { maxRetries, timeout, maxTimeout, timeoutFactor, statusCodes, errorCodes, methods } = retryOptions let { counter, currentTimeout } = state currentTimeout = currentTimeout != null && currentTimeout > 0 ? currentTimeout : timeout // Any code that is not a Undici's originated and allowed to retry if ( code && code !== 'UND_ERR_REQ_RETRY' && code !== 'UND_ERR_SOCKET' && !errorCodes.includes(code) ) { cb(err) return } // If a set of method are provided and the current method is not in the list if (Array.isArray(methods) && !methods.includes(method)) { cb(err) return } // If a set of status code are provided and the current status code is not in the list if ( statusCode != null && Array.isArray(statusCodes) && !statusCodes.includes(statusCode) ) { cb(err) return } // If we reached the max number of retries if (counter > maxRetries) { cb(err) return } let retryAfterHeader = headers != null && headers['retry-after'] if (retryAfterHeader) { retryAfterHeader = Number(retryAfterHeader) retryAfterHeader = isNaN(retryAfterHeader) ? calculateRetryAfterHeader(retryAfterHeader) : retryAfterHeader * 1e3 // Retry-After is in seconds } const retryTimeout = retryAfterHeader > 0 ? Math.min(retryAfterHeader, maxTimeout) : Math.min(currentTimeout * timeoutFactor ** counter, maxTimeout) state.currentTimeout = retryTimeout setTimeout(() => cb(null), retryTimeout) } onHeaders (statusCode, rawHeaders, resume, statusMessage) { const headers = parseHeaders(rawHeaders) this.retryCount += 1 if (statusCode >= 300) { this.abort( new RequestRetryError('Request failed', statusCode, { headers, count: this.retryCount }) ) return false } // Checkpoint for resume from where we left it if (this.resume != null) { this.resume = null if (statusCode !== 206) { return true } const contentRange = parseRangeHeader(headers['content-range']) // If no content range if (!contentRange) { this.abort( new RequestRetryError('Content-Range mismatch', statusCode, { headers, count: this.retryCount }) ) return false } // Let's start with a weak etag check if (this.etag != null && this.etag !== headers.etag) { this.abort( new RequestRetryError('ETag mismatch', statusCode, { headers, count: this.retryCount }) ) return false } const { start, size, end = size } = contentRange assert(this.start === start, 'content-range mismatch') assert(this.end == null || this.end === end, 'content-range mismatch') this.resume = resume return true } if (this.end == null) { if (statusCode === 206) { // First time we receive 206 const range = parseRangeHeader(headers['content-range']) if (range == null) { return this.handler.onHeaders( statusCode, rawHeaders, resume, statusMessage ) } const { start, size, end = size } = range assert( start != null && Number.isFinite(start) && this.start !== start, 'content-range mismatch' ) assert(Number.isFinite(start)) assert( end != null && Number.isFinite(end) && this.end !== end, 'invalid content-length' ) this.start = start this.end = end } // We make our best to checkpoint the body for further range headers if (this.end == null) { const contentLength = headers['content-length'] this.end = contentLength != null ? Number(contentLength) : null } assert(Number.isFinite(this.start)) assert( this.end == null || Number.isFinite(this.end), 'invalid content-length' ) this.resume = resume this.etag = headers.etag != null ? headers.etag : null return this.handler.onHeaders( statusCode, rawHeaders, resume, statusMessage ) } const err = new RequestRetryError('Request failed', statusCode, { headers, count: this.retryCount }) this.abort(err) return false } onData (chunk) { this.start += chunk.length return this.handler.onData(chunk) } onComplete (rawTrailers) { this.retryCount = 0 return this.handler.onComplete(rawTrailers) } onError (err) { if (this.aborted || isDisturbed(this.opts.body)) { return this.handler.onError(err) } this.retryOpts.retry( err, { state: { counter: this.retryCount++, currentTimeout: this.retryAfter }, opts: { retryOptions: this.retryOpts, ...this.opts } }, onRetry.bind(this) ) function onRetry (err) { if (err != null || this.aborted || isDisturbed(this.opts.body)) { return this.handler.onError(err) } if (this.start !== 0) { this.opts = { ...this.opts, headers: { ...this.opts.headers, range: `bytes=${this.start}-${this.end ?? ''}` } } } try { this.dispatch(this.opts, this) } catch (err) { this.handler.onError(err) } } } } module.exports = RetryHandler