# Copyright (c) 2020 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
# This file is part of the "cmake-common" project.
# For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/cmake-common.
# Distributed under the MIT License.
'''Supported platform/build system/compiler combinations include, but are not
limited to:
| Platform | Build system | Compiler |
| -------- | ------------ | --------- |
| Linux | make | Clang |
| | | GCC |
| | | MinGW-w64 |
| Windows | make [1] | Clang [2] |
| | | MinGW-w64 |
| | msbuild | MSVC |
| Cygwin | make | Clang |
| | | GCC |
| | | MinGW-w64 |
1. Both GNU make and MinGW mingw32-make.
2. clang-cl is supported by Boost 1.69.0 or higher only.
# See docs/{boost,cmake}.md for a more thorough description of my pain.
import abc
import argparse
from contextlib import contextmanager
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
import logging
import os.path
import shutil
import project.mingw
from project.os import on_windows
from project.platform import Platform
from project.utils import full_exe_name, temp_file
class MSVCVersion(Enum):
# It's the MSVC "toolset" version, or whatever.
# Source: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.20/variable/MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION.html#variable:MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION
VS2010 = '100'
VS2012 = '110'
VS2013 = '120'
VS2015 = '140'
VS2017 = '141'
VS2019 = '142'
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def parse(s):
return MSVCVersion(s)
except ValueError as e:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'invalid MSVC version: {s}') from e
def all():
return tuple(MSVCVersion)
def to_msvc_version(self):
return self
def to_visual_studio_version(self):
if MSVCVersion.VS2010:
return VisualStudioVersion.VS2010
if MSVCVersion.VS2012:
return VisualStudioVersion.VS2012
if MSVCVersion.VS2013:
return VisualStudioVersion.VS2013
if MSVCVersion.VS2015:
return VisualStudioVersion.VS2015
if MSVCVersion.VS2017:
return VisualStudioVersion.VS2017
if MSVCVersion.VS2019:
return VisualStudioVersion.VS2019
raise NotImplementedError(f'unsupported MSVC version: {self}')
def to_boost_msvc_version(self):
numeric = int(self.value)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(f'what? MSVC versions are supposed to be integers: {self.value}')
numeric = Decimal(numeric) / 10
numeric = numeric.quantize(Decimal('1.0'))
return str(numeric)
def to_cmake_toolset(self):
return f'v{self}'
class VisualStudioVersion(Enum):
VS2010 = '2010'
VS2012 = '2012'
VS2013 = '2013'
VS2015 = '2015'
VS2017 = '2017'
VS2019 = '2019'
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def parse(s):
return VisualStudioVersion(s)
except ValueError as e:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'invalid Visual Studio version: {s}') from e
def all():
return tuple(VisualStudioVersion)
def to_msvc_version(self):
if self is VisualStudioVersion.VS2010:
return MSVCVersion.VS2010
if self is VisualStudioVersion.VS2012:
return MSVCVersion.VS2012
if self is VisualStudioVersion.VS2013:
return MSVCVersion.VS2013
if self is VisualStudioVersion.VS2015:
return MSVCVersion.VS2015
if self is VisualStudioVersion.VS2017:
return MSVCVersion.VS2017
if self is VisualStudioVersion.VS2019:
return MSVCVersion.VS2019
raise NotImplementedError(f'unsupported Visual Studio version: {self}')
def to_visual_studio_version(self):
return self
class ToolsetType(Enum):
AUTO = 'auto'
MSVC = 'msvc'
VISUAL_STUDIO = 'visual-studio'
GCC = 'gcc'
MINGW = 'mingw'
CLANG = 'clang'
CLANG_CL = 'clang-cl'
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def help(self):
if self is ToolsetType.AUTO:
return "Most commonly means 'gcc' on Linux and 'msvc' on Windows."
if self is ToolsetType.MSVC:
return 'Use cl.exe.'
if self is ToolsetType.VISUAL_STUDIO:
return "Same as 'msvc'."
if self is ToolsetType.GCC:
return 'Use gcc/g++.'
if self is ToolsetType.MINGW:
return 'Use gcc/g++ with the PLATFORM-w64-mingw32 prefix.'
if self is ToolsetType.CLANG:
return 'Use clang/clang++.'
if self is ToolsetType.CLANG_CL:
return 'Use clang-cl.exe.'
raise NotImplementedError(f'unsupported toolset: {self}')
def parse(s):
return ToolsetType(s)
except ValueError as e:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'invalid toolset: {s}') from e
def is_versioned(self):
if self is ToolsetType.MSVC or self is ToolsetType.VISUAL_STUDIO:
return True
return False
def parse_version(self, s):
if self is ToolsetType.MSVC:
return MSVCVersion.parse(s)
if self is ToolsetType.VISUAL_STUDIO:
return VisualStudioVersion.parse(s)
raise RuntimeError(f"this toolset doesn't support versions: {self}")
def all_versions(self):
if self is ToolsetType.MSVC:
return MSVCVersion.all()
if self is ToolsetType.VISUAL_STUDIO:
return VisualStudioVersion.all()
raise RuntimeError(f"this toolset doesn't support versions: {self}")
def all():
return tuple(ToolsetType)
def all_versioned():
return (t for t in ToolsetType.all() if t.is_versioned)
def all_unversioned():
return (t for t in ToolsetType.all() if not t.is_versioned)
class ToolsetVersion:
def __init__(self, hint, version):
self.hint = hint
self.version = version
def __str__(self):
if self.version is None:
return str(self.hint)
return f'{self.hint}{ToolsetVersion._VERSION_SEP}{self.version}'
def default():
return ToolsetVersion(ToolsetType.AUTO, None)
def usage():
return '/'.join(map(str, ToolsetType.all()))
def help_toolsets():
return f'''{__doc__}
def help_all_toolsets():
s = '''All supported toolsets are listed below.
max_name = max((len(str(hint)) for hint in ToolsetType.all()))
for hint in ToolsetType.all():
name_padding = ' ' * (max_name - len(str(hint)))
s += f'| {hint}{name_padding} | {hint.help()}\n'
return s
def help_versioned_toolsets():
s = '''Some toolsets support specifying a version using the [-VERSION] suffix. This
is a list of all supported toolset versions:
for hint in ToolsetType.all_versioned():
for version in hint.all_versions():
s += f' * {hint}{ToolsetVersion._VERSION_SEP}{version}\n'
return s
def parse(s):
return ToolsetVersion(ToolsetType(s), None)
except ValueError:
for hint in ToolsetType.all_versioned():
prefix = f'{hint}{ToolsetVersion._VERSION_SEP}'
if s.startswith(prefix):
return ToolsetVersion(hint, hint.parse_version(s[len(prefix):]))
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'invalid toolset: {s}')
class Toolset(abc.ABC):
def b2_args():
# Write the config file, etc.
yield []
def bootstrap_bat_args():
return []
def bootstrap_sh_args():
return []
def cmake_generator():
return None
def cmake_args(self, build_dir, platform):
args = []
generator = self.cmake_generator()
if generator is not None:
args += ['-G', generator]
return args
def build_system_args():
return []
def detect(version):
if version.hint is ToolsetType.AUTO:
return Auto
if version.hint is ToolsetType.MSVC or version.hint is ToolsetType.VISUAL_STUDIO:
return MSVC
if version.hint is ToolsetType.GCC:
return GCC
if version.hint is ToolsetType.MINGW:
return MinGW
if version.hint is ToolsetType.CLANG:
return Clang
if version.hint is ToolsetType.CLANG_CL:
return ClangCL
raise NotImplementedError(f'unrecognized toolset: {version}')
def make(version, platform):
# Platform is required here, since some toolsets (MinGW-w64) require
# it for the compiler path.
cls = Toolset.detect(version)
if cls is MinGW:
return MinGW(platform)
if version.hint.is_versioned:
return cls(version.version)
return cls()
class Auto(Toolset):
# Let Boost.Build do the detection. Most commonly it means GCC on
# Linux-likes and MSVC on Windows.
def cmake_args(self, build_dir, platform):
if on_windows():
# On Windows, 'auto' means 'msvc', and we need to specify the -A
# parameter. This might break if none of the Visual Studio
# generators are available, but the NMake one is, although I don't
# know how this can be possible normally.
return MSVC().cmake_args(build_dir, platform)
# On Linux, if the platform wasn't specified, auto-detect everything.
# There's no need to set -mXX flags, etc.
if platform is Platform.AUTO:
return super().cmake_args(build_dir, platform)
# If a specific platform was requested, we might need to set some
# CMake/compiler flags, like -m32/-m64.
return GCC().cmake_args(build_dir, platform)
class MSVC(Toolset):
def __init__(self, version=None):
self.version = version
def b2_toolset(self):
if self.version is not None:
return f'msvc-{self.version.to_msvc_version().to_boost_msvc_version()}'
return 'msvc'
def b2_args(self):
yield [f'toolset={self.b2_toolset()}']
# Note: bootstrap.bat picks up MSVC by default.
def cmake_args(self, build_dir, platform):
# This doesn't actually specify the generator of course, but I don't
# want to implement VS detection logic.
args = super().cmake_args(build_dir, platform)
args += ['-A', platform.msvc_arch()]
if self.version is not None:
args += ['-T', self.version.to_msvc_version().to_cmake_toolset()]
return args
class BoostCustom(Toolset):
def __init__(self, compiler, path=None, build_options=None):
if not compiler:
raise RuntimeError('compiler type is required (like gcc, clang, etc.)')
self.compiler = compiler
version = BoostCustom.COMPILER_VERSION
self.version = version
path = path or ''
path = path and full_exe_name(path)
self.path = path
build_options = build_options or []
self.build_options = build_options
def b2_toolset(self):
if self.version:
return f'{self.compiler}-{self.version}'
return self.compiler
def b2_toolset_arg(self):
return f'toolset={self.b2_toolset()}'
def _b2_write_config(self):
config_file = temp_file(prefix='user_config_', suffix='.jam')
with config_file as config_path:
config = self.b2_format_config()
logging.info('Using user config:\n%s', config)
with open(config_path, mode='w') as fd:
yield config_path
def _b2_format_build_options(self):
return ''.join(f'\n <{name}>{val}' for name, val in self.build_options)
def b2_format_config(self):
version = self.version and f'{self.version} '
path = self.path and f'{self.path} '
return f'''using {self.compiler} : {version}: {path}:{self._b2_format_build_options()}
def b2_args(self):
with self._b2_write_config() as config_path:
args = []
yield args
class CMakeCustom(Toolset):
def cmake_generator():
# The Visual Studio generator is the default on Windows, override it:
return CMakeCustom.makefiles()
def makefiles():
if on_windows():
if shutil.which('mingw32-make'):
return 'MinGW Makefiles'
return 'Unix Makefiles'
# On Linux/Cygwin, make all the way:
return 'Unix Makefiles'
def nmake_or_makefiles():
if on_windows():
# MinGW utilities like make might be unavailable, but NMake can
# very much be there.
if shutil.which('nmake'):
return 'NMake Makefiles'
return CMakeCustom.cmake_generator()
def _cmake_write_config(build_dir, contents):
path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'custom_toolchain.cmake')
with open(path, mode='w') as file:
return path
def cmake_format_config(self, platform):
def cmake_args(self, build_dir, platform):
contents = self.cmake_format_config(platform)
config_path = self._cmake_write_config(build_dir, contents)
return super().cmake_args(build_dir, platform) + [
'-D', f'CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={config_path}',
class GCC(BoostCustom, CMakeCustom):
# Force GCC. We don't care whether it's a native Linux GCC or a
# MinGW-flavoured GCC on Windows.
def __init__(self):
BoostCustom.__init__(self, 'gcc', 'g++', self.b2_build_options())
def bootstrap_bat_args():
return ['gcc']
def bootstrap_sh_args():
return ['--with-toolset=gcc']
def b2_build_options():
return []
def cmake_format_config(self, platform):
return f'''
def _gcc_or_auto():
if shutil.which('gcc') is not None:
return ['gcc']
return []
class MinGW(BoostCustom, CMakeCustom):
# It's important that Boost.Build is actually smart enough to detect the
# GCC prefix (like "x86_64-w64-mingw32" and prepend it to other tools like
# "ar").
def __init__(self, platform):
self.paths = project.mingw.MinGW(platform)
BoostCustom.__init__(self, 'gcc', self.paths.gxx(), self.b2_build_options())
def bootstrap_bat_args():
# On Windows, prefer GCC if it's available.
return _gcc_or_auto()
def bootstrap_sh_args():
return []
def b2_build_options():
return GCC.b2_build_options()
def cmake_format_config(self, platform):
return f'''
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER {self.paths.gcc()})
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER {self.paths.gxx()})
set(CMAKE_AR {self.paths.ar()})
set(CMAKE_RANLIB {self.paths.ranlib()})
set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER {self.paths.windres()})
class Clang(BoostCustom, CMakeCustom):
def __init__(self):
BoostCustom.__init__(self, 'clang', 'clang++', self.b2_build_options())
def bootstrap_bat_args():
# As of 1.74.0, bootstrap.bat isn't really aware of Clang, so try GCC,
# then auto-detect.
return _gcc_or_auto()
def bootstrap_sh_args():
# bootstrap.sh, on the other hand, is very much aware of Clang, and
# it can build b2 using this compiler.
return ['--with-toolset=clang']
def b2_build_options():
options = GCC.b2_build_options()
options += [
('cxxflags', '-DBOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H'),
# Even with <warnings>off, the build might sometimes fail with the
# following error:
# error: constant expression evaluates to -105 which cannot be narrowed to type 'boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_implementation<char>::char_class_type' (aka 'unsigned int')
('cxxflags', '-Wno-c++11-narrowing'),
if on_windows():
# Prefer LLVM binutils:
if shutil.which('llvm-ar') is not None:
options.append(('archiver', 'llvm-ar'))
if shutil.which('llvm-ranlib') is not None:
options.append(('ranlib', 'llvm-ranlib'))
return options
def b2_format_config(self):
# To make clang.exe/clang++.exe work on Windows, some tweaks are
# required. I borrowed them from CMake's Windows-Clang.cmake [1].
# Adding them globally to Boost.Build options is described in [2].
# [1]: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/v3.18.4/Modules/Platform/Windows-Clang.cmake
# [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2715106/how-to-create-a-new-variant-in-bjam
return f'''project : requirements
<target-os>windows,<runtime-link>static,<variant>debug:<cxxflags>"-Xclang -flto-visibility-public-std -Xclang --dependent-lib=libcmtd"
<target-os>windows,<runtime-link>static,<variant>release:<cxxflags>"-Xclang -flto-visibility-public-std -Xclang --dependent-lib=libcmt"
<target-os>windows,<runtime-link>shared,<variant>debug:<cxxflags>"-D_DLL -Xclang --dependent-lib=msvcrtd"
<target-os>windows,<runtime-link>shared,<variant>release:<cxxflags>"-D_DLL -Xclang --dependent-lib=msvcrt"
def cmake_format_config(self, platform):
return f'''
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang-cl)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang-cl)
def cmake_generator():
return CMakeCustom.nmake_or_makefiles()
class ClangCL(CMakeCustom):
def b2_args(self):
yield [
# There's no point in building b2 using clang-cl; clang though, presumably
# installed alongside clang-cl, should still be used if possible.
def bootstrap_bat_args():
return Clang.bootstrap_bat_args()
def bootstrap_sh_args():
return Clang.bootstrap_sh_args()
def cmake_format_config(self, platform):
return f'''
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang-cl)
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang-cl)
def cmake_generator():
return Clang.cmake_generator()