path: root/.github/actions/check-runtime-library/action.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.github/actions/check-runtime-library/action.yml b/.github/actions/check-runtime-library/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3025334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/check-runtime-library/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+name: Verify runtime library linkage
+description: Verify runtime library linkage (static or shared)
+ path:
+ description: Installation directory
+ required: true
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - run: |
+ New-Variable path -Value '${{ inputs.path }}' -Option Constant
+ function Parse-DllLine {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Line
+ )
+ if ($Line -match '^\s*DLL Name:\s*(?<dll>\S+)\s*$') {
+ $Matches.dll
+ } else {
+ throw "Line doesn't match the pattern: $Line"
+ }
+ }
+ function Parse-PeHeaders {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]
+ [string[]] $Output
+ )
+ process {
+ $Output | Select-String 'DLL Name:' -SimpleMatch -CaseSensitive | %{
+ Parse-DllLine $_
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Parse-NeededLine {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Line
+ )
+ if ($Line -match '^\s*NEEDED\s*(?<dll>\S+)\s*$') {
+ $Matches.dll
+ } else {
+ throw "Line doesn't match the pattern: $Line"
+ }
+ }
+ function Parse-ElfHeaders {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]
+ [string[]] $Output
+ )
+ process {
+ $Output | Select-String 'NEEDED' -SimpleMatch -CaseSensitive | %{
+ Parse-NeededLine $_
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Get-LinkedLibraries {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $ExePath
+ )
+ $objdump = 'objdump'
+ if ($env:CI_HOST_WINDOWS) {
+ $objdump = 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\objdump.exe'
+ }
+ if ($env:CI_TARGET_PE) {
+ & $objdump -x $ExePath | Parse-PeHeaders | echo
+ }
+ if ($env:CI_TARGET_ELF) {
+ & $objdump -x $ExePath | Parse-ElfHeaders | echo
+ }
+ }
+ function Do-ValidateLinkedLibraries {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNull()]
+ [string[]] $Actual,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNull()]
+ [string[]] $Required,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNull()]
+ [string[]] $Optional
+ )
+ echo 'Linked libraries:'
+ echo $Actual
+ $missing = $Required | ?{$_ -notin $Actual}
+ if ($missing.Count -gt 0) {
+ throw "Doesn't link to the following libraries: $($missing -join ', ')"
+ }
+ $unexpected = $Actual | ?{$_ -notin $Required -and $_ -notin $Optional}
+ if ($unexpected.Count -gt 0) {
+ throw "Links to the following unexpected libraries: $($unexpected -join ', ')"
+ }
+ }
+ function Validate-LinkedLibraries {
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNull()]
+ [string[]] $Actual
+ )
+ $windows_required = @('KERNEL32.dll')
+ if ($env:CI_MINGW) {
+ $windows_required += 'msvcrt.dll'
+ }
+ # Linking libstdc++ statically on Cygwin is broken, see the
+ # cygwin_static_libstdc++.yml workflow.
+ $cygwin_required = $windows_required + @('cygwin1.dll','cygstdc++-6.dll')
+ $linux_required = @('libc.so.6')
+ $windows_optional = @('baz.dll')
+ if ($env:CI_MINGW) {
+ $windows_optional = @('libbaz.dll','USER32.dll')
+ }
+ $cygwin_optional = @('cygbaz.dll')
+ $linux_optional = @('libbaz.so','ld-linux.so.2','ld-linux-x86-64.so.2','libm.so.6')
+ if ($env:CI_TARGET_CYGWIN) {
+ Do-ValidateLinkedLibraries `
+ -Actual $Actual `
+ -Required $cygwin_required `
+ -Optional $cygwin_optional
+ } elseif ($env:CI_TARGET_WINDOWS) {
+ Do-ValidateLinkedLibraries `
+ -Actual $Actual `
+ -Required $windows_required `
+ -Optional $windows_optional
+ } elseif ($env:CI_TARGET_LINUX) {
+ Do-ValidateLinkedLibraries `
+ -Actual $Actual `
+ -Required $linux_required `
+ -Optional $linux_optional
+ } else {
+ throw 'Where am I?'
+ }
+ }
+ $exe_path = (Join-Path $path 'bin' 'foo') + $env:CI_EXE_EXT
+ $libraries = Get-LinkedLibraries $exe_path
+ Validate-LinkedLibraries $libraries
+ shell: pwsh