name: Build example project description: Build example project inputs: src-dir: description: Project directory required: true boost-dir: description: Boost directory required: false toolset: description: Toolset to use required: false default: auto platform: description: Target platform required: false default: x64 configuration: description: Configuration to build required: false default: Debug outputs: install-dir: description: Installation directory value: '${{ steps.install-dir.outputs.path }}' runs: using: composite steps: - id: install-dir run: | $src_dir = Resolve-Path '${{ inputs.src-dir }}' $project_name = Split-Path $src_dir -Leaf $install_dir = Join-Path (Split-Path $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE) "install_$project_name" echo "::set-output name=path::$install_dir" shell: pwsh - run: | $python = 'python' $src_dir = '${{ inputs.src-dir }}' $install_dir = '${{ steps.install-dir.outputs.path }}' $boost_dir = '${{ inputs.boost-dir }}' if ($env:CI_HOST_CYGWIN) { $python = 'python3' $src_dir = cygpath.exe -ua $src_dir $install_dir = cygpath.exe -ua $install_dir if ($boost_dir) { $boost_dir = cygpath.exe -ua $boost_dir } } $args = @( '--install', $install_dir, '--platform', '${{ inputs.platform }}', '--configuration', '${{ inputs.configuration }}', '--toolset', '${{ inputs.toolset }}' ) if ($boost_dir) { $args += '--boost',$boost_dir } $args += '--',$src_dir $env:VERBOSE = 1 & $python -m $args shell: pwsh