name: Check that Boost was bootstrapped description: Check that Boost was bootstrapped runs: using: composite steps: - run: | echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'bootstrap.log' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' $path = Join-Path $env:BOOST_DIR 'bootstrap.log' if (Test-Path $path -Type Leaf) { cat $path } shell: pwsh - run: | echo '' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'project-config.jam' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' $path = Join-Path $env:BOOST_DIR 'project-config.jam' if (Test-Path $path -Type Leaf) { cat $path } shell: pwsh - run: | echo '' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' echo 'Checking that b2 executable was built' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' $name = 'b2' $path = Join-Path $env:BOOST_DIR $name $exists_plain = Test-Path $path -Type Leaf $exists_exe = Test-Path "${path}.exe" -Type Leaf $exists = if ($env:CI_HOST_CYGWIN) { $exists_plain -or $exists_exe } elseif ($env:CI_HOST_WINDOWS) { $exists_exe } else { $exists_plain } if (-not $exists) { throw "b2 executable wasn't found" } shell: pwsh