cmake-common ============ [![Basic usage](]( [![Boost (toolsets)](]( [![Examples (toolsets)](]( Various utilities to help develop C++/CMake projects. Toolchains ---------- Supported platform/build system/compiler combinations include, but are not limited to: | Platform | Build system | Compiler | -------- | ------------ | -------- | Linux | make | Clang | | | GCC | | | MinGW-w64 | Windows | make \[1\] | Clang (clang/clang++) | | | Clang (clang-cl \[2\]) | | | MinGW-w64 | | msbuild | MSVC | Cygwin | make | Clang | | | GCC | | | MinGW-w64 1. Both GNU `make` and MinGW `mingw32-make`. 2. Boost 1.69.0 or higher only. All of those are verified continuously by the "Boost (toolsets)" and "Examples (toolsets)" workflows. Usage ----- ### common.cmake Use in a project by putting include(path/to/common.cmake) in CMakeLists.txt. This file aids in quick-and-dirty development by * linking everything (including the runtime) statically by default, * setting some useful compilation options (enables warnings, defines useful Windows-specific macros, strips debug symbols in release builds, etc.). Everything is optional (use the `CC_*` CMake options to opt out). ### Boost Download & build the Boost libraries in a cross-platform way. $ python3 -m 1.72.0 ... $ python3 -m -- boost_1_72_0/ --with-filesystem --with-program_options ... Pass the `--help` flag to view detailed usage information. $ python3 -m --help $ python3 -m --help ### CMake project Build (and optionally, install) a CMake project. $ python3 -m --configuration Release --install path/to/somewhere -- examples/simple ... $ ./path/to/somewhere/bin/foo foo Pass the `--help` flag to view detailed usage information. $ python3 -m --help ### CI One of the goals was to merge Travis & AppVeyor build scripts for the various projects I have. This project provides the scripts for both of these CI systems with nearly-identical interfaces. Internally, they call the generic scripts from above, auto-filling some parameters from environment variables. Pass the `--help` flag to a script to view detailed usage information. #### Travis Bootstrap Boost: $ python3 -m -- --with-test Build a CMake project: $ python3 -m --install "$HOME/install" Environment variables: * `platform`, * `configuration`, * `boost_version`. #### AppVeyor Bootstrap Boost (seldom used, since AppVeyor pre-builds many Boost versions): > C:\Python36-x64\python.exe -m -- --with-test Build a CMake project: > C:\Python36-x64\python.exe -m --install C:\projects\install Environment variables: * `PLATFORM`, * `CONFIGURATION`, * `boost_version`. ### `clang-format` all C/C++ files in a project. $ cd project/ $ python3 path/to/tools/ # Prints a diff $ python3 path/to/tools/ -i # Edits files in-place Examples -------- I use this in all of my C++/CMake projects, e.g. [aes-tools] and [math-server]. [aes-tools]: [math-server]: License ------- Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE.txt] for details. [LICENSE.txt]: LICENSE.txt