path: root/test/unit/test.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/test.sh')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/test.sh b/test/unit/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f693aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
+shopt -s inherit_errexit 2> /dev/null || true
+shopt -s lastpipe
+script_dir="$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
+script_dir="$( cd -- "$script_dir" && pwd )"
+readonly script_dir
+script_name="$( basename -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
+readonly script_name
+root_dir="$( git -C "$script_dir" rev-parse --show-toplevel )"
+readonly root_dir
+readonly src_dir_name='src'
+readonly dest_dir_name='dest'
+readonly alt_dest_dir_name='alt_dest'
+readonly src_dir_path
+readonly dest_dir_path
+new_test() {
+ local test_name=
+ [ "${#FUNCNAME[@]}" -gt 1 ] && test_name="${FUNCNAME[1]}"
+ [ "$#" -gt 0 ] && test_name="$1"
+ echo
+ echo ======================================================================
+ echo "New test: $test_name"
+ test_root_dir="$( mktemp -d )"
+ # mktemp returns /var/..., which is actually in /private/var/... on macOS.
+ test_root_dir="$( readlink -e -- "$test_root_dir" )"
+ test_src_dir="$test_root_dir/$src_dir_name"
+ test_dest_dir="$test_root_dir/$dest_dir_name"
+ test_alt_dest_dir="$test_root_dir/$alt_dest_dir_name"
+ echo "Root directory: $test_root_dir"
+ echo "Shared directory: $test_src_dir"
+ echo "%DEST% directory: $test_dest_dir"
+ echo "%ALT_DEST% directory: $test_alt_dest_dir"
+ echo ======================================================================
+ cp -r -- "$src_dir_path" "$test_src_dir"
+ cp -r -- "$dest_dir_path" "$test_dest_dir"
+ cp -r -- "$dest_dir_path" "$test_alt_dest_dir"
+call_bin_script() {
+ echo
+ echo -n 'Executing script:'
+ printf -- ' %q' "$@" --shared-dir "$test_src_dir" --database "$test_root_dir/links.bin"
+ printf -- '\n'
+ echo
+ DEST="$test_dest_dir" ALT_DEST="$test_alt_dest_dir" "$@" --shared-dir "$test_src_dir" --database "$test_root_dir/links.bin"
+call_update() {
+ call_bin_script "$root_dir/links-update" "$@"
+call_remove() {
+ call_bin_script "$root_dir/links-remove"
+call_chmod() {
+ call_bin_script "$root_dir/links-chmod" "$@"
+verify_output() {
+ if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] || [ "$#" -gt 2 ]; then
+ echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} EXPECTED_OUTPUT [DEST_DIR]" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local expected_output="$1"
+ echo
+ echo 'Expected directory structure:'
+ echo "$expected_output"
+ local dest_dir="$test_dest_dir"
+ [ "$#" -ge 2 ] && dest_dir="$2"
+ local actual_output
+ actual_output="$( find "$dest_dir" -printf '%h/%f->%l\n' | sort )"
+ echo
+ echo 'Actual directory structure:'
+ echo "$actual_output"
+ echo
+ if [ "$actual_output" = "$expected_output" ]; then
+ echo "... They match!"
+ else
+ echo "... The actual directory structure does not match the expected directory structure!" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+verify_mode() {
+ if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} EXPECTED_MODE FILE" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local expected_mode="$1"
+ local path="$2"
+ echo
+ echo "Checking permissions for file: $path"
+ echo "Expected mode: $expected_mode"
+ local actual_mode
+ actual_mode="$( stat -c '%a' -- "$path" )"
+ actual_mode="0$actual_mode"
+ echo "Actual mode: $actual_mode"
+ if [ "$actual_mode" = "$expected_mode" ]; then
+ echo "... They match!"
+ else
+ echo "... They don't match."
+ return 1
+ fi
+test_update_works() {
+ # Basic test to make sure that links-update actually creates the proper
+ # symlinks.
+ new_test
+ call_update
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+test_remove_works() {
+ # Basic test to make sure links-remove actually removes the created
+ # symlinks.
+ new_test
+ call_update
+ call_remove
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->"
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+test_remove_does_not_overwrite_files() {
+ # Check that if a user overwrites a symlink with his own file, links-remove
+ # keeps it.
+ new_test
+ call_update
+ # Simulate a user overwriting one of the symlinks with his own file.
+ rm -- "$test_dest_dir/bar/3.txt"
+ echo 'User content' > "$test_dest_dir/bar/3.txt"
+ call_remove
+ # 3.txt must be kept:
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+test_remove_does_not_delete_used_dirs() {
+ # Check that if a user adds a file to a destination directory, it's not
+ # deleted by links-remove.
+ new_test
+ call_update
+ # User adds his own file to the directory:
+ echo 'User content' > "$test_dest_dir/bar/my-file"
+ call_remove
+ # bar/ and bar/my-file must be kept:
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+new_test_dir_symlink() {
+ new_test "${FUNCNAME[1]}"
+ # Files will get symlinks in the directory pointed to by $DEST, as well as
+ # by $ALT_DEST.
+ ln -s -- '%DEST%' "$test_src_dir/%ALT_DEST%"
+test_dir_symlink_update_works() {
+ # We can symlink files to multiple directories by creating symlinks inside
+ # --shared-dir.
+ new_test_dir_symlink
+ call_update
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ expected_output="$test_alt_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output" "$test_alt_dest_dir"
+test_dir_symlink_remove_works() {
+ # Test that links-remove works for directory symlinks inside --shared-dir.
+ new_test_dir_symlink
+ call_update
+ call_remove
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->"
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ expected_output="$test_alt_dest_dir->"
+ verify_output "$expected_output" "$test_alt_dest_dir"
+test_dir_symlink_remove_shared_file() {
+ # If we remove a shared file, both of the symlinks should be removed.
+ new_test_dir_symlink
+ call_update
+ # Remove a random shared file:
+ rm -- "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/bar/3.txt"
+ call_update
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ expected_output="$test_alt_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output" "$test_alt_dest_dir"
+test_dir_symlink_remove_dir_symlink() {
+ # If we remove a directory symlink in --shared-dir, all the symlinks
+ # accessible through this directory symlink should be removed.
+ new_test_dir_symlink
+ call_update
+ # Remove the directory symlink:
+ rm -- "$test_src_dir/%ALT_DEST%"
+ call_update
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ expected_output="$test_alt_dest_dir->"
+ verify_output "$expected_output" "$test_alt_dest_dir"
+new_test_symlink() {
+ new_test "${FUNCNAME[1]}"
+ # Create a stupid symlink.
+ ln -s -- 'bar/3.txt' "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/3_copy.txt"
+test_symlink_update_works() {
+ # Shared files can also be symlinks, pointing to something else.
+ new_test_symlink
+ call_update
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ echo
+ echo 'Verifying 3_copy.txt (the symlink) is valid...'
+ local copy_target
+ copy_target="$( readlink -- "$test_dest_dir/3_copy.txt" )"
+ test "$copy_target" = "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/3_copy.txt"
+ local copy_content
+ copy_content="$( cat -- "$test_dest_dir/3_copy.txt" )"
+ test "$copy_content" = '3'
+test_symlink_remove_works() {
+ # Verify that links-remove doesn't delete shared symlinks.
+ new_test_symlink
+ call_update
+ call_remove
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->"
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ echo
+ echo 'Verifying 3_copy.txt (the shared file) is valid...'
+ local copy_target
+ copy_target="$( readlink -e -- "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/3_copy.txt" )"
+ test "$copy_target" = "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/bar/3.txt"
+ local copy_content
+ copy_content="$( cat -- "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/3_copy.txt" )"
+ test "$copy_content" = '3'
+test_chmod_works() {
+ # Test that links-chmod works.
+ new_test
+ call_update
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ echo
+ echo 'Verifying 1.txt (the shared file) permissions...'
+ verify_mode 0644 "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/1.txt"
+ call_chmod 0600
+ verify_mode 0600 "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/1.txt"
+test_update_chmod() {
+ # Test that links-update --mode works.
+ new_test
+ local expected_mode='0622'
+ call_update --mode "$expected_mode"
+ local expected_output="$test_dest_dir->
+ verify_output "$expected_output"
+ verify_mode "$expected_mode" "$test_src_dir/%DEST%/1.txt"
+show_env() {
+ echo
+ echo ======================================================================
+ echo Environment
+ echo ======================================================================
+ bash --version
+main() {
+ show_env
+ test_update_works
+ test_remove_works
+ test_remove_does_not_overwrite_files
+ test_remove_does_not_delete_used_dirs
+ test_dir_symlink_update_works
+ test_dir_symlink_remove_works
+ test_dir_symlink_remove_shared_file
+ test_dir_symlink_remove_dir_symlink
+ test_symlink_update_works
+ test_symlink_remove_works
+ test_chmod_works
+ test_update_chmod