# Copyright (c) 2016 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com> # This file is part of the "Config file sharing" project. # For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/config-links. # Distributed under the MIT License. # Shared directory settings shared_root_dir="$( pwd )/" update_shared_dir() { if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} DIR" >&2 return 1 fi local new_shared_dir new_shared_dir="$( traverse_path --exist --directory -- "$1" )" [ "$new_shared_dir" = / ] || new_shared_dir="$new_shared_dir/" [ "$db_path" = "$shared_root_dir$default_db_name" ] \ && db_path="$new_shared_dir$default_db_name" shared_root_dir="$new_shared_dir" } # Database maintenance readonly default_db_name='links.bin' db_path="$shared_root_dir$default_db_name" declare -A database=() declare -A shared_paths=() declare -A symlink_paths=() update_database_path() { if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} PATH" >&2 return 1 fi db_path="$( traverse_path --file -- "$1" )" local db_dir db_dir="$( dirname -- "$db_path" )" mkdir -p -- "$db_dir" } add_entry() { local entry for entry; do dump "entry: $entry" local var_name var_name="$( extract_variable_name "$entry" )" cache_variable "$var_name" local shared_var_dir="$shared_root_dir%$var_name%" local symlink_var_dir symlink_var_dir="$( resolve_variable "$var_name" )" local subpath="${entry#%"$var_name"%/}" local shared_path="$shared_var_dir" [ "$shared_var_dir" != / ] && shared_path="$shared_path/" shared_path="$shared_path$subpath" local symlink_path="$symlink_var_dir" [ "$symlink_var_dir" != / ] && symlink_path="$symlink_path/" symlink_path="$symlink_path$subpath" dump " shared file path: $shared_path" dump " symlink path: $symlink_path" database[$entry]="$var_name" shared_paths[$entry]="$shared_path" symlink_paths[$entry]="$symlink_path" done } remove_entry() { local entry for entry; do unset -v 'database[$entry]' unset -v 'shared_paths[$entry]' unset -v 'symlink_paths[$entry]' done } read_database() { [ ! -r "$db_path" ] && return 0 local entry while IFS= read -d '' -r entry; do add_entry "$entry" done < "$db_path" } write_database() { is_dry_run && return 0 [ "${#database[@]}" -eq 0 ] && rm -f -- "$db_path" && return 0 > "$db_path" local entry for entry in "${!database[@]}"; do printf -- '%s\0' "$entry" >> "$db_path" done } link_entry() { local entry for entry; do local shared_path="${shared_paths[$entry]}" local symlink_path="${symlink_paths[$entry]}" local symlink_dir symlink_dir="$( dirname -- "$symlink_path" )" mkdir -p -- "$symlink_dir" ln -f -s --no-target-directory -- "$shared_path" "$symlink_path" done } delete_obsolete_dirs() { if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} BASE_DIR DIR" >&2 return 1 fi local base_dir="$1" local dir="$2" base_dir="$( traverse_path --exist --directory -- "$base_dir" )" dir="$( traverse_path --exist --directory -- "$dir" )" [ "$base_dir" = "$dir" ] && return 0 local subpath="${dir##"$base_dir"/}" if [ "$subpath" = "$dir" ]; then dump "base directory: $base_dir" >&2 dump "... is not a parent of: $dir" >&2 return 1 fi ( cd -- "$base_dir/" && rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -- "$subpath" ) } unlink_entry() { local entry for entry; do local shared_path="${shared_paths[$entry]}" local symlink_path="${symlink_paths[$entry]}" rm -f -- "$symlink_path" local symlink_dir symlink_dir="$( dirname -- "$symlink_path" )" local var_name="${database[$entry]}" local symlink_var_dir symlink_var_dir="$( resolve_variable "$var_name" )" delete_obsolete_dirs "$symlink_var_dir" "$symlink_dir" || true done } symlink_present() { local entry for entry; do local symlink_path="${symlink_paths[$entry]}" test -L "$symlink_path" -o -e "$symlink_path" done } symlink_points_to_shared_file() { symlink_present "$@" local entry for entry; do local shared_path="${shared_paths[$entry]}" shared_path="$( traverse_path -- "$shared_path" )" local symlink_path="${symlink_paths[$entry]}" local target_path target_path="$( traverse_path -- "$symlink_path" )" test "$target_path" = "$shared_path" done } shared_file_present() { local entry for entry; do local shared_path="${shared_paths[$entry]}" test -L "$shared_path" -o -e "$shared_path" done } link_all_entries() { local -a shared_var_dirs=() local shared_var_dir find "$shared_root_dir" \ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \ -\( -type d -o -type l -\) \ -regextype posix-basic \ -regex ".*/$var_name_regex\$" \ -printf '%P\0' | while IFS= read -d '' -r shared_var_dir; do shared_var_dirs+=("$shared_var_dir") done for shared_var_dir in ${shared_var_dirs[@]+"${shared_var_dirs[@]}"}; do dump "shared directory: $shared_root_dir$shared_var_dir" local shared_path find "$shared_root_dir$shared_var_dir/" -\( -type f -o -type l -\) -print0 | while IFS= read -d '' -r shared_path; do dump " shared file path: $shared_path" local entry="${shared_path:${#shared_root_dir}}" add_entry "$entry" > /dev/null dump " symlink path: ${symlink_paths[$entry]}" if symlink_present "$entry"; then if symlink_points_to_shared_file "$entry"; then dump ' ... up-to-date' else dump " ... not a symlink or doesn't point to the shared file, adding a symlink" is_dry_run || link_entry "$entry" fi else dump ' ... adding a symlink' is_dry_run || link_entry "$entry" fi done done } unlink_all_entries() { local entry for entry in "${!database[@]}"; do dump "entry: $entry" local shared_path="${shared_paths[$entry]}" local symlink_path="${symlink_paths[$entry]}" dump " shared file path: $shared_path" dump " symlink path: $symlink_path" if symlink_points_to_shared_file "$entry"; then dump ' ... removing the symlink' is_dry_run || unlink_entry "$entry" remove_entry "$entry" else dump " ... not a symlink or doesn't point to the shared file" remove_entry "$entry" fi done } unlink_obsolete_entries() { local entry for entry in "${!database[@]}"; do dump "entry: $entry" local shared_path="${shared_paths[$entry]}" local symlink_path="${symlink_paths[$entry]}" dump " shared file path: $shared_path" dump " symlink path: $symlink_path" if symlink_points_to_shared_file "$entry"; then if shared_file_present "$entry"; then dump ' ... up-to-date' else dump ' ... obsolete' is_dry_run || unlink_entry "$entry" remove_entry "$entry" fi else dump " ... not a symlink or doesn't point to the shared file" remove_entry "$entry" fi done } parse_mode() { if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} MODE" >&2 return 1 fi local mode="$1" shift if [ -z "$mode" ]; then dump "mode cannot be empty" >&2 return 1 fi echo "$mode" } chmod_entries() { if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} MODE" >&2 return 1 fi local mode="$1" shift dump "applying mode $mode to shared files..." if [ "${#shared_paths[@]}" -ne 0 ]; then is_dry_run || chmod -- "$mode" ${shared_paths[@]+"${shared_paths[@]}"} fi }