Egor Tensin =========== [![Test](]( This is my website hosted on [GitHub Pages] at [GitHub Pages]: Development ----------- [Jekyll] is used to build a set of static HTML pages from a collection of templates and resources. [Bundler] is used to manage project's dependencies. Make sure you have the `bundler` gem installed; project dependencies can then be installed by executing bundle install in the project's root directory. To run a local web server, run bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml You can then review your changes at http://localhost:4000/. Or you can use [jekyll-docker] to set up a development environment in Docker and not bother with installing everything locally. [jekyll-theme] is used as a remote Jekyll theme. [Jekyll]: [Bundler]: [jekyll-docker]: [jekyll-theme]: ### Access via file:// Jekyll doesn't provide native support for generating a static website which can be browsed without running an instance of Jekyll's web server. One easy workaround is to `wget` the website and convert the links: wget --no-verbose --recursive --convert-links --adjust-extension -- http://localhost:4000/ License ------- Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE.txt] for details. [LICENSE.txt]: LICENSE.txt