--- title: Main page layout: plain custom_css: - index.css links: - url: /blog/ text: Blog glyph: folder-open - url: /cv/cv.pdf text: CV glyph: file - url: https://egort.name/ text: egort.name glyph: globe projects: - url: /jekyll-theme/ name: Jekyll theme - url: /sorting-algorithms/ name: Sorting algorithms - url: /wireguard-config/ name: WireGuard configuration ---

{{ site.settings.author.name }}

Hello! I'm a software engineer, and here's some of my stuff.

{% if page.links %} {% for link in page.links %}  {{ link.text }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}  GitHub  {{ site.settings.author.email }}
{% if page.projects %}


{% for project in page.projects %}  {{ project.name }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}