MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules --no-builtin-variables --warn-undefined-variables unexport MAKEFLAGS .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .SUFFIXES: SHELL := bash .SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c escape = $(subst ','\'',$(1)) define noexpand ifeq ($$(origin $(1)),environment) $(1) := $$(value $(1)) endif ifeq ($$(origin $(1)),environment override) $(1) := $$(value $(1)) endif ifeq ($$(origin $(1)),command line) override $(1) := $$(value $(1)) endif endef .PHONY: DO DO: PROJECT := fr24feed # Use BuildKit, which is required: export DOCKER_BUILDKIT := 1 # Enable buildx support: export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL := enabled # Enable BuildKit in docker-compose (requires 1.25.0 or higher): export COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD := 1 # Target platforms (used by buildx): PLATFORMS := linux/i386,linux/amd64,linux/armhf # One of the latest (at the moment) Compose versions that supports BuildKit: COMPOSE_VERSION := 1.25.3 # In case buildx isn't installed (e.g. on Ubuntu): BUILDX_VERSION := v0.4.2 # Docker Hub credentials: DOCKER_USERNAME := egortensin ifdef DOCKER_PASSWORD $(eval $(call noexpand,DOCKER_PASSWORD)) endif .PHONY: all all: build .PHONY: login login: ifndef DOCKER_PASSWORD $(error Please define DOCKER_PASSWORD) endif @echo '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_PASSWORD))' | docker login --username '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))' --password-stdin .PHONY: build # Build natively by default. build: compose/build .PHONY: clean clean: docker system prune --all --force --volumes .PHONY: push # Push multi-arch images by default. push: buildx/push .PHONY: pull pull: docker-compose pull .PHONY: up up: docker-compose up -d .PHONY: down down: docker-compose down --volumes .PHONY: check-build check-build: ifndef FORCE $(warning Going to build natively; consider `docker buildx build` instead) endif .PHONY: check-push check-push: ifndef FORCE $(error Please use `docker buildx build --push` instead) endif # `docker build` has week support for multiarch repos (you need to use multiple # Dockerfile's, create a manifest manually, etc.), so it's only here for # testing purposes, and native builds. docker/build/%: DO check-build docker build -t '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))/$*' '$*/' .PHONY: docker/build docker/build: docker/build/dump1090 docker/build/fr24feed # `docker push` would replace the multiarch repo with a single image by default # (you'd have to create a manifest and push it instead), so it's only here for # testing purposes. docker/push/%: DO check-push docker/build/% docker push '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))/$*' .PHONY: docker/push docker/push: check-push docker/push/dump1090 docker/push/fr24feed .PHONY: compose/install # Quickly install a newer Compose version: compose/install: $(curl) --output /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -- '$(call escape,$(COMPOSE_VERSION))'"/docker-compose-$$(uname -s)-$$(uname -m)" chmod +x -- /usr/local/bin/docker-compose .PHONY: compose/build # `docker-compose build` has the same problems as `docker build`. compose/build: check-build docker-compose build .PHONY: compose/push # `docker-compose push` has the same problems as `docker push`. compose/push: check-push compose/build docker-compose push # The simple way to build multiarch repos is `docker buildx`. binfmt_image := docker/binfmt:66f9012c56a8316f9244ffd7622d7c21c1f6f28d .PHONY: fix-binfmt fix-binfmt: docker run --rm --privileged '$(call escape,$(binfmt_image))' curl := curl --silent --show-error --location --dump-header - --connect-timeout 20 buildx_url :=$(BUILDX_VERSION)/buildx-$(BUILDX_VERSION).linux-amd64 .PHONY: buildx/install buildx/install: mkdir -p -- ~/.docker/cli-plugins/ $(curl) --output ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx -- '$(call escape,$(buildx_url))' chmod +x -- ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx .PHONY: buildx/create buildx/create: fix-binfmt docker buildx create --use --name '$(call escape,$(PROJECT))_builder' .PHONY: buildx/rm buildx/rm: docker buildx rm '$(call escape,$(PROJECT))_builder' buildx/build/%: DO docker buildx build -t '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))/$*' --platform '$(call escape,$(PLATFORMS))' '$*/' .PHONY: buildx/build buildx/build: buildx/build/dump1090 buildx/build/fr24feed buildx/push/%: DO docker buildx build -t '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))/$*' --platform '$(call escape,$(PLATFORMS))' --push '$*/' .PHONY: buildx/push buildx/push: buildx/push/dump1090 buildx/push/fr24feed