path: root/README.md
blob: 4feec3b720fa2826332f82e6f2c6b2b2907e337f (plain) (tree)








My [Jekyll] theme.

I use it for [egor-tensin.github.io], [blog], [sorting-algorithms].

[Jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com/
[egor-tensin.github.io]: https://github.com/egor-tensin/egor-tensin.github.io
[blog]: https://github.com/egor-tensin/blog/tree/gh-pages
[sorting-algorithms]: https://github.com/egor-tensin/sorting-algorithms/tree/gh-pages


An example website can be viewed at https://egor-tensin.github.io/jekyll-theme/.


The complete list of configuration options follows.
Put it in \_config.yml and adjust how you see fit.

    name: Test
    description: This is a test project
    license: MIT License
    license_file: LICENSE.txt
    name: John Doe
    email: John.Doe@example.com
    hide: false
      bootstrap: 3.4.1
      jquery: 1.12.4
      html5shiv: 3.7.3
      respond: 1.4.2
    minified: false


### Layouts

* `plain`: navbar at the top + footer at the bottom
* `default`: same as plain, but with a sidebar on the right.
* `page`: same as default, but with the page's header.
* `post`: same as default, but with the post's header and publication date.

### Navbar

Hide the navbar by setting either `site.settings.navbar.hide` or
`page.navbar.hide` to `true`.

Put a page on the navbar by defining setting `page.navbar_link` to `true` or
a custom HTML string.
Pages are sorted in the ascending order of `page.navbar_priority`.
If a page on the navbar is paginated, set `page.navbar_paginated` to `true` so
that it doesn't appear two or more times.

### Post feed

See [feed/index.html] for an example of how to easily create a paginated post
Basically, just include posts/posts.html.

[feed/index.html]: feed/index.html

### Category pages

See [life/index.html] or [work/index.html] for examples of how to create
category pages, with a list of posts belonging to the category.
Basically, just include categories/category.html and set the `category`
parameter to the category's name.

[life/index.html]: life/index.html
[work/index.html]: work/index.html

If you want to create a page with a list of all categories and the posts
belonging to them, see [archive/index.html] for an example.
Simply including categories/categories.html should do the job.

[archive/index.html]: archive/index.html

### Code snippets

See [Test post 3] for an example of how to conveniently embed snippets in your
Basically, you need to put something like this in the front matter:

snippets_root_directory: snippets
snippets_language: c++
    - hello.hpp
    - hello.cpp
    - world.hpp
    - world.cpp

[Test post 3]: _posts/2021-04-09-test-post3.md

And then you can just format an entire section of snippets using a single

{% include snippets/section.html section_id='hello' %}

The line above would output both hello.hpp and hello.cpp to the page.

### Typesetting math

[MathJax] can be used to typeset mathematics using LaTeX.
To use MathJax, set `mathjax` to `true` in page's front matter.
Then you can do things like this:

This is an inline formula: $$y = kx + b$$.
This is a formula in a separate block:

y = kx + b

[MathJax]: https://www.mathjax.org/

Behind the scenes, Kramdown transforms these to `\(...\)` and `\[...\]`
sequences, to be processed by MathJax.


This theme wasn't built from the ground up, it's a product of concurrent
evolution of my three Jekyll projects.
At one moment I got sick of the code duplication, so I just cloned the most
feature-reached project into this repository (tagged `from_jekyll_project`),
and removed everything that wasn't theme-related.
Then I made some minor tweaks to make it work with the other two projects, and
voilĂ !

I thought about several alternatives to cloning the whole repository.

1. Simply copying the latest versions of the relevant files would lose their
2. Heavily rewriting repository history using `git filter-branch` or something
like this is painfully hard to get right for me.


Distributed under the MIT License.
See [LICENSE.txt] for details.

This theme is build upon the Twitter Bootstrap framework, which is also MIT
Licensed and copyright 2015 Twitter.