diff options
2 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..704ca11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+os: linux
+dist: bionic
+language: ruby
+# Travis doesn't build gh-pages by default:
+# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#building-specific-branches
+ only:
+ - gh-pages
+ - /.*/
+ fast_finish: true
+ include:
+ - stage: Build
+ name: Build using Bundler
+ install: bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3
+ script: bundle exec jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml --drafts
+ - name: Build using latest github-pages
+ install:
+ # `jekyll build` seems to be using Bundler if Gemfile is present:
+ - rm -f -- Gemfile Gemfile.lock
+ - gem install github-pages
+ script: jekyll build
+ - stage: Verify
+ name: Check integrity
+ install: bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3
+ script:
+ - nohup bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml --drafts &
+ - sleep 3 && wget --no-verbose --recursive --convert-links --adjust-extension --directory-prefix=/tmp -- http://localhost:4000/
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 05aac75..5290a16 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ plugins:
- jekyll-github-metadata
+ - .travis.yml
- build.sh
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock