Workspace setup --------------- * To reduce pain, set up [rbenv] to manage your Ruby versions. Install one that's known to work: make ruby * Otherwise, make sure you have Ruby and [Bundler] set up. * Install dependencies: make deps * Make sure builds are working: make build [rbenv]: [Bundler]: Development ----------- * Build the example website and serve it at http://localhost:4000/jekyll-theme/: make serve * It will pick up changes and reload pages automatically. Upgrading dependencies ---------------------- * To upgrade dependencies in Gemfile.lock & push them to the repository: make maintenance * Manually upgrade dependencies in Gemfile.lock: bundle update Building static pages --------------------- If you try to copy the _site directory and open index.html without running the web server, it won't work: all links will be messed up. Jekyll doesn't provide native support for generating a static website which can be browsed without running a web server. One workaround is to `wget` the website: make serve LIVE_RELOAD=0 # Live reloading breaks wget make wget The truly static version will be downloaded to the .wget/ directory. Bootstrap theme --------------- At one point I decided to bundle a modified version of Bootstrap 3.4 with the theme. One thing I found annoying about the unmodified Bootstrap is the small font size & the insanely large headers. I used the [customization tool] with a [custom config] to download a modified Boost version and included it in the assets/bootstrap directory. [customization tool]: [custom config]: assets/bootstrap/config.json TODO: port the theme to Bootstrap 4/5/whatever?