# Jekyll baseurl: /jekyll-theme exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - Makefile - README.md - vendor/ defaults: - scope: path: '' type: pages values: layout: page navbar_priority: 999 - scope: path: '' type: posts values: layout: post excerpt_separator: '' permalink: none highlighter: rouge markdown: kramdown kramdown: syntax_highlighter_opts: span: disable: true # Plugins plugins: - jekyll-github-metadata - jekyll-paginate # jekyll-github-metadata repository: egor-tensin/jekyll-theme # jekyll-paginate paginate: 10 paginate_path: '/feed/page:num/' # Theme settings settings: author: # jekyll-github-metadata doesn't include the display name or the email # address of the owner. name: Egor Tensin email: Egor.Tensin@gmail.com