{% assign project_name = site.settings.project.name %} {% unless project_name %} {% if site.github %} {% comment %} What the damn hell? site.github.is_project_page is set to true even for my root user site (the one with the .github.io suffix). TODO: remove the following workaround and replace with a simple check site.github.is_project_page above when this is fixed? {% endcomment %} {% capture assumed_user_name %}{{ site.github.owner_name }}.github.io{% endcapture %} {% if site.github.repository_name != assumed_user_name %} {% assign project_name = site.github.repository_name %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% assign author_name = site.settings.author.name %} {% unless author_name %} {% if site.github %} {% assign author_name = site.github.owner_name %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% assign author_name = author_name | default: 'John Doe' %} {% if project_name %} {% capture title %}{{ project_name }} - {{ author_name }}{% endcapture %} {% else %} {% capture title %}{{ author_name }}{% endcapture %} {% endif %} {% if page.url != '/' %} {% capture title %}{{ page.title }} - {{ title }}{% endcapture %} {% endif %} {{ title }} {% include mathjax.html %} {% assign links = '' | split: '' %} {% if site.settings.links %} {% assign links = links | concat: site.settings.links %} {% endif %} {% if page.links %} {% assign links = links | concat: page.links %} {% endif %} {% for link in links %} {% assign abs_check = link.href | downcase | split: '//' %} {% if abs_check[0] == 'http:' or abs_check[0] == 'https:' or abs_check[0] == '' %} {% assign url = link.href %} {% else %} {% assign abs_check = link.href | slice: 0 %} {% if abs_check == '/' %} {% assign url = link.href %} {% else %} {% assign url = link.href | relative_url %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if site.settings.ga_tag %} {% include common/ga.html ga_tag=site.settings.ga_tag %} {% endif %}