--- title: Shell commands excerpt: > Pretty formatting for shell commands and their outputs. category: Features --- It's easy to style shell commands and their outputs. Here's a one-line command and a one-line output. {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd='echo 1' out='1' %} You can pass multiple commands and multi-line output to the include as well: {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd='echo 1 echo 2' out='1 2' %} However, it is recommended that you `capture` multi-line commands and outputs into variables and pass them. This is mostly because Liquid doesn't like backslashes too much. {% capture cmd1 %} touch test.txt && \ echo 123 >> test.txt && \ echo 456 >> test.txt && \ cat test.txt {% endcapture %} {% capture out1 %} 123 456 {% endcapture %} {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd=cmd1 out=out1 %} You can display multiple commands one after another. {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd="printf 'Hello\n'" out='Hello' %} {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd="printf 'World\n'" out='World' %} Only the last one will have a bottom margin. Also, here's a really long command with a really long output: {% capture cmd1 %} printf '%s\n' 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' {% endcapture %} {% capture out1 %} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA {% endcapture %} {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd=cmd1 out=out1 %} This has the potential to look rather ugly due to scrollbars though, so please don't do that. Commands don't necessarily have to have output: {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd='mkdir test' %} {% include jekyll-theme/shell.html cmd='cd test' %}