tag namefrom_jekyll_project (7d4153132ef3cc304d7b8ebb9c167869521fb9ef)
tag date2020-05-07 01:29:10 +0000
tagged byEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
tagged objectcommit dc3442f86d...
Before turning a Jekyll project into a theme
I currently have 3 repositories on GitHub that are Jekyll projects: * egor-tensin.github.io, * sorting-algorithms, * blog. They currently share a great deal of code in _layouts/, _includes/ and css/. I didn't want to bother creating a gem-based theme, but, as I've recently learned, GitHub Pages support "remote" Jekyll themes, which allows to simply host a theme on GitHub. So I'd like to remove all of this common code from all 3 of the existing repositories, and put it into this repository. I'm going to do that by simply cloning the most feature-rich repository (blog), and removing everything that isn't shared between the repositories. The alternative approach would be to use filter-branch, but I've done that in the past, and that's too hard and error-prone for my liking.