**This repo has been retired. In was a badly-structured Ansible project anyway, albeit useful. I automated my infrastructure using Terraform (see [infra-terraform]) & moved most of Ansible to a proper collection (see [infra-ansible]).** [infra-terraform]: https://github.com/egor-tensin/infra-terraform [infra-ansible]: https://github.com/egor-tensin/infra-ansible Maintenance =========== Scripts to maintain my machines via GitHub Actions runs. Nothing to see here really. Usage ----- This is an Ansible playbook; it's very non-generic and heavily customized to how my machines are set up. The primary usage scenario is going to this repository's Actions and running the workflow. You can also run it manually; first, install the Ansible Galaxy dependencies: make deps Make sure you can SSH to the hosts as the `maintenance` user; then, you can run the playbook: make run Reboot everything: make reboot Reboot my cloud servers only: make reboot/cloud