language: cpp os: linux dist: bionic addons: apt: update: true packages: - cmake - g++-multilib sources: - sourceline: 'deb bionic main' key_url: '' env: global: boost_version=1.67.0 jobs: - configuration=Debug platform=x86 - configuration=Release platform=x86 - configuration=Debug platform=x64 - configuration=Release platform=x64 # Bionic repositories have Boost 1.65, but 1.66 or higher is required. # Tests fail to compile w/ Boost 1.66 also: # before_script: - cd cmake - >- python3 -m -- --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-test script: - >- python3 -m --install "$HOME/install" -- -D ENABLE_TESTS=ON - "$HOME/install/bin/math-server-unit-tests" - "$HOME/install/bin/math-server-benchmarks" - ../.ci/ jobs: fast_finish: true # Clear irrelevant matrix build settings: _clear: &clear language: shell addons: {apt: {packages: []}} before_script: [] script: [] _docker: &docker <<: *clear services: [docker] install: # GCR & BuildKit don't play nice together, e.g.: # - echo '{}' | sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json - sudo systemctl restart docker include: - <<: *clear name: Run clang-format if: branch = master addons: apt: packages: - clang-format-9 sources: - sourceline: 'deb llvm-toolchain-bionic-9 main' key_url: '' script: ./cmake/tools/ --clang-format clang-format-9 - <<: *docker name: 'Docker: build native images' script: make docker/build - <<: *docker name: 'Docker: build native images using Compose' script: make compose/build - <<: *docker stage: publish name: 'Docker: build & publish multi-arch images' if: branch = master addons: apt: # Newer docker for BuildKit/buildx support: packages: - docker-ce sources: - key_url: '' sourceline: 'deb "$(lsb_release -cs)" stable' script: make login && make buildx/create && make buildx/push