include this_dir := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) src_dir := $(this_dir) build_dir := $(this_dir)build boost_dir := $(build_dir)/boost cmake_dir := $(build_dir)/cmake install_dir := $(build_dir)/install PROJECT := math-server TOOLSET ?= auto PLATFORM ?= auto CONFIGURATION ?= Debug BOOST_VERSION ?= 1.72.0 BOOST_LIBRARIES := --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-regex --with-test CMAKE_FLAGS ?= -D MATH_SERVER_TESTS=ON INSTALL_PREFIX ?= $(install_dir) # Target platforms (used by buildx): DOCKER_PLATFORMS := amd64,armhf,arm64 # Docker Hub credentials: DOCKER_USERNAME := egortensin $(eval $(call noexpand,TOOLSET)) $(eval $(call noexpand,PLATFORM)) $(eval $(call noexpand,CONFIGURATION)) $(eval $(call noexpand,BOOST_VERSION)) $(eval $(call noexpand,CMAKE_FLAGS)) ifdef DOCKER_PASSWORD $(eval $(call noexpand,DOCKER_PASSWORD)) endif $(eval $(call noexpand,INSTALL_PREFIX)) .PHONY: DO DO: .PHONY: all all: build .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf -- '$(call escape,$(build_dir))' $(boost_dir)/: cd cmake && python3 -m \ --cache '$(call escape,$(build_dir))' \ -- \ '$(call escape,$(BOOST_VERSION))' \ '$(call escape,$(boost_dir))' .PHONY: deps deps: $(boost_dir)/ cd cmake && python3 -m \ --toolset '$(call escape,$(TOOLSET))' \ --platform '$(call escape,$(PLATFORM))' \ --configuration '$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' \ -- \ '$(call escape,$(boost_dir))' \ $(BOOST_LIBRARIES) .PHONY: build build: cd cmake && python3 -m \ --toolset '$(call escape,$(TOOLSET))' \ --platform '$(call escape,$(PLATFORM))' \ --configuration '$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' \ --install '$(call escape,$(INSTALL_PREFIX))' \ --boost '$(call escape,$(boost_dir))' \ -- \ '$(call escape,$(src_dir))' \ '$(call escape,$(cmake_dir))' \ $(CMAKE_FLAGS) .PHONY: install install: build .PHONY: test test: cd -- '$(call escape,$(cmake_dir))' && ctest -C '$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' --verbose .PHONY: docker/login docker/login: ifndef DOCKER_PASSWORD $(error Please define DOCKER_PASSWORD) endif @echo '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_PASSWORD))' \ | docker login --username '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))' --password-stdin .PHONY: docker/build # Build using Compose by default. docker/build: compose/build .PHONY: docker/clean docker/clean: docker system prune --all --force --volumes .PHONY: docker/push # Push multi-arch images by default. docker/push: buildx/push .PHONY: pull pull: docker-compose pull .PHONY: up up: docker-compose up -d server .PHONY: client client: docker-compose run --rm client .PHONY: down down: docker-compose down --volumes # `docker build` has weak support for multiarch repos (you need to use multiple # Dockerfile's, create a manifest manually, etc.). .PHONY: docker/check-build docker/check-build: ifndef FORCE $(warning Going to build natively; consider `docker buildx build` instead) endif # `docker push` would replace the multiarch repo with a single image by default # (you'd have to create a manifest and push it instead). .PHONY: docker/check-push docker/check-push: ifndef FORCE $(error Please use `docker buildx build --push` instead) endif .PHONY: compose/build # `docker-compose build` has the same problems as `docker build`. compose/build: docker/check-build docker-compose build --progress plain .PHONY: compose/push # `docker-compose push` has the same problems as `docker push`. compose/push: docker/check-push compose/build docker-compose push .PHONY: buildx/create buildx/create: docker buildx create --use --name '$(call escape,$(PROJECT))_builder' .PHONY: buildx/rm buildx/rm: docker buildx rm '$(call escape,$(PROJECT))_builder' buildx/build/%: DO docker buildx build \ -f '$*/Dockerfile' \ -t '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))/math-$*' \ --platform '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_PLATFORMS))' \ --progress plain \ . .PHONY: buildx/build buildx/build: buildx/build/client buildx/build/server buildx/push/%: DO docker buildx build \ -f '$*/Dockerfile' \ -t '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_USERNAME))/math-$*' \ --platform '$(call escape,$(DOCKER_PLATFORMS))' \ --progress plain \ --push \ . .PHONY: buildx/push buildx/push: buildx/push/client buildx/push/server