# To build, run from the top-level directory: # docker build -f server/Dockerfile -t egortensin/math-server . FROM alpine:3.11 AS base ARG src_dir=/usr/src/math-server FROM base AS builder ARG src_dir COPY [".", "$src_dir"] RUN build_deps='bash boost-dev cmake g++ make python3' && \ apk add --no-cache $build_deps && \ cd -- "$src_dir" && \ make install CONFIGURATION=Release CMAKE_FLAGS='-D MATH_SERVER_TESTS=ON -D Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF' FROM base LABEL maintainer="Egor Tensin " ARG src_dir COPY --from=builder ["$src_dir/.build/install", "/opt/math-server"] RUN runtime_deps='boost-filesystem boost-program_options boost-regex boost-unit_test_framework libstdc++' && \ apk add $runtime_deps && \ /opt/math-server/bin/math-server-unit-tests --log_level=all CMD ["/opt/math-server/bin/math-server"]