// Copyright (c) 2019 Egor Tensin // This file is part of the "math-server" project. // For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/math-server. // Distributed under the MIT License. #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace math::server { struct Settings { static constexpr unsigned short DEFAULT_PORT = 18000; static std::size_t default_threads() { return std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); } unsigned short m_port; std::size_t m_threads; bool exit_with_usage() const { return m_vm.count("help"); } boost::program_options::variables_map m_vm; }; class SettingsParser { public: explicit SettingsParser(const std::string& argv0) : m_prog_name{extract_filename(argv0)} { m_visible.add_options()("help,h", "show this message and exit"); m_visible.add_options()( "port,p", boost::program_options::value(&m_settings.m_port)->default_value(Settings::DEFAULT_PORT), "server port number"); m_visible.add_options()( "threads,n", boost::program_options::value(&m_settings.m_threads)->default_value(Settings::default_threads()), "number of threads"); } static const char* get_short_description() { return "[-h|--help] [-p|--port] [-n|--threads]"; } Settings parse(int argc, char* argv[]) { boost::program_options::store( boost::program_options::command_line_parser{argc, argv} .options(m_visible) .run(), m_settings.m_vm); if (m_settings.exit_with_usage()) { return m_settings; } boost::program_options::notify(m_settings.m_vm); return m_settings; } void usage() const { std::cout << *this; } void usage_error(const std::exception& e) const { std::cerr << "usage error: " << e.what() << '\n'; std::cerr << *this; } private: static std::string extract_filename(const std::string& path) { return boost::filesystem::path{path}.filename().string(); } const std::string m_prog_name; boost::program_options::options_description m_visible; Settings m_settings; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SettingsParser& parser) { os << "usage: " << parser.m_prog_name << ' ' << get_short_description() << '\n'; os << parser.m_visible; return os; } }; }