// Copyright (c) 2019 Egor Tensin // This file is part of the "math-server" project. // For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/math-server. // Distributed under the MIT License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data; using math::server::Lexer; using math::server::LexerError; using math::server::lexer::Token; using math::server::lexer::token::Type; namespace details = math::server::lexer::details; namespace { namespace get_tokens::valid { // clang-format off // wtf, don't binpack this const std::vector input{ "", " + - ", "1+2", ".5^-1 ^ 4", "1+2 * (3- 4e-2)", " 2 * (1 + 3 * (1 - -3)) ", }; // clang-format on // Some black magic-fuckery to resolve operator<< for std::vector. // See https://stackoverflow.com/a/18817428/514684. struct Expected { std::vector m_tokens; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Expected& expected) { for (const auto& token : expected.m_tokens) { os << token; } return os; } const std::vector expected{ {{}}, {{ Token{Type::PLUS}, Token{Type::MINUS}, }}, {{ Token{1}, Token{Type::PLUS}, Token{2}, }}, {{ Token{.5}, Token{Type::CARET}, Token{Type::MINUS}, Token{1}, Token{Type::CARET}, Token{4}, }}, {{ Token{1}, Token{Type::PLUS}, Token{2}, Token{Type::ASTERISK}, Token{Type::LEFT_PAREN}, Token{3}, Token{Type::MINUS}, Token{4e-2}, Token{Type::RIGHT_PAREN}, }}, {{ Token{2}, Token{Type::ASTERISK}, Token{Type::LEFT_PAREN}, Token{1}, Token{Type::PLUS}, Token{3}, Token{Type::ASTERISK}, Token{Type::LEFT_PAREN}, Token{1}, Token{Type::MINUS}, Token{Type::MINUS}, Token{3}, Token{Type::RIGHT_PAREN}, Token{Type::RIGHT_PAREN}, }}, }; } // namespace get_tokens::valid namespace get_tokens::invalid { const std::vector input{ "&", " 1 + 123 & 456", }; const std::vector error_msg{ "server error: lexer error: invalid input at: &", "server error: lexer error: invalid input at: & 456", }; } // namespace get_tokens::invalid } // namespace BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(lexer_tests) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_parse_number) { // These are valid numbers: BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("0").value() == 0); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("1.").value() == 1.); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number(".1").value() == .1); // parse_* functions only consume a single token: BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number(".1+1").value() == .1); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("1e3").value() == 1e3); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number(".123e1").value() == .123e1); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("123e-1").value() == 123e-1); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("123e+1").value() == 123e+1); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("1.e6").value() == 1.e6); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_number("2.3e-4").value() == 2.3e-4); // These are not numbers, but perhaps something else? BOOST_TEST(!details::parse_number(".").has_value()); BOOST_TEST(!details::parse_number(".e3").has_value()); BOOST_TEST(!details::parse_number("e12").has_value()); // This is definitely a number, but a malformed one (an exponent must be // followed by some digits). BOOST_CHECK_THROW(details::parse_number("12e"), LexerError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_parse_const_token) { BOOST_TEST(details::parse_const_token("+").value() == Type::PLUS); // parse_* functions only consume a single token: BOOST_TEST(details::parse_const_token("+/*").value() == Type::PLUS); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_const_token("-").value() == Type::MINUS); BOOST_TEST(details::parse_const_token("^^").value() == Type::CARET); BOOST_TEST(!details::parse_const_token("&+").has_value()); } BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_get_tokens_valid, bdata::make(get_tokens::valid::input) ^ get_tokens::valid::expected, input, expected) { Lexer lexer{input}; const auto actual = lexer.get_tokens(); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(actual.cbegin(), actual.cend(), expected.m_tokens.cbegin(), expected.m_tokens.cend()); } BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_get_tokens_invalid, bdata::make(get_tokens::invalid::input) ^ get_tokens::invalid::error_msg, input, error_msg) { BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW( do { Lexer lexer{input}; lexer.get_tokens(); } while (0), LexerError); try { Lexer lexer{input}; lexer.get_tokens(); } catch (const LexerError& e) { BOOST_TEST(error_msg == e.what()); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()