GNU `bash` ========== (Associative) arrays -------------------- ### Expansion #### Do func ${arr[@]+"${arr[@]}"} #### Don't func "${arr[@]}" # Doesn't work with `nounset`. func "${arr[@]+"${arr[@]}"}" # Doesn't work properly with `declare -a arr=('')`. ### `unset` #### Do unset -v 'arr[x]' unset -v 'arr[$i]' #### Don't unset -v arr[x] # May break due to globbing. unset -v arr[$i] # The same as above + a possible problem with quotation. unset -v 'arr["x"]' # Doesn't work for some reason. unset -v 'arr["]"]' # The same as above; just highlighting the problem with funny characters in array indices. unset -v 'arr["$i"]' # Also rejected. # An insightful discussion on the topic: