blob: 7031bf911865d9fad177089bd576067775382b0b (
plain) (
name: Install Clang
description: Install Clang & LLVM
description: Target platform
required: false
default: x64
description: Install inside Cygwin
required: false
default: 0
using: composite
- run: |
New-Variable os -Value '${{ runner.os }}' -Option Constant
New-Variable linux_host -Value ($os -eq 'Linux') -Option Constant
New-Variable cygwin_host -Value ('${{ inputs.cygwin }}' -eq '1') -Option Constant
New-Variable windows_host -Value ($os -eq 'Windows' -and !$cygwin) -Option Constant
New-Variable x64 -Value ('${{ inputs.platform }}' -eq 'x64') -Option Constant
function Locate-Choco {
$path = Get-Command 'choco' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($path) {
} else {
Join-Path ${env:ProgramData} 'chocolatey' 'bin' 'choco'
function Install-Package {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
[string[]] $Packages
if ($script:linux_host) {
sudo apt-get update -yq
sudo apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends $Packages
} elseif ($script:cygwin_host) {
$choco = Locate-Choco
& $choco install -y --no-progress --source=cygwin $Packages
} elseif ($script:windows_host) {
$choco = Locate-Choco
& $choco install -y --no-progress $Packages
} else {
throw "Sorry, installing packages is unsupported on $script:os"
function Convert-CygwinPath {
# Like cygpath -wa, but don't resolve symlinks.
[string] $Path
$Path = realpath.exe --no-symlinks -- $Path
$dirname = dirname.exe -- $Path
$dirname = cygpath.exe -wa $dirname
Join-Path $dirname (Split-Path $Path -Leaf)
function Fix-CygwinLink {
# Replace a Cygwin symlink with a hardlink.
[string] $Path
$link_path = $Path
$link_winpath = Convert-CygwinPath $link_path
$link_ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($link_path)
$dest_path = readlink.exe --canonicalize-existing -- $link_path
$dest_winpath = Convert-CygwinPath $dest_path
$dest_ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($dest_path)
echo "Removing symlink: $link_winpath"
Remove-Item $link_winpath -Force
if ($dest_ext.ToLower() -ne $link_ext.ToLower()) {
$link_winpath += $dest_ext
echo "Creating hardlink '$link_winpath', pointing to '$dest_winpath'"
New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path $link_winpath -Value $dest_winpath | Out-Null
if ($linux_host) {
if ($x64) {
$pkgs = 'clang','g++'
} else {
$pkgs = 'clang','g++-multilib'
Install-Package $pkgs
} elseif ($cygwin_host) {
if (!$x64) {
echo @'
::warning ::
32-bit-targeting Clang is unavailable on 64-bit Cygwin.
Please use 32-bit Cygwin instead.
If you _are_ using 32-bit Cygwin, please ignore this message.
# IDK why, but without libiconv-devel, even a "Hello, world!"
# C++ app cannot be compiled as of December 2020. Also, libstdc++
# is required; it's simpler to install gcc-g++ for all the
# dependencies.
Install-Package clang libiconv-devel gcc-g++
# clang/clang++ are Cygwin symlinks, pointing to clang-X.exe. It's
# convenient to make proper executables instead so that they can be
# called from Windows' command prompt.
find.exe /usr/bin -iname 'clang*' -type l | %{ Fix-CygwinLink $_ }
} elseif ($windows_host) {
Install-Package llvm
echo (Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles LLVM bin) >> $env:GITHUB_PATH
} else {
throw "Sorry, installing Clang is unsupported on $os"
shell: pwsh
icon: star
color: green