name: Install Cygwin description: Install Cygwin & packages inputs: platform: description: Target platform required: false default: x64 install-dir: description: Installation directory required: false default: C:\tools\cygwin packages: description: Packages to install, separated by a space required: false env: description: Value to set as the CYGWIN environment variable required: false runs: using: composite steps: - run: | New-Variable os -Value ('${{ runner.os }}') -Option Constant New-Variable windows_host -Value ($os -eq 'Windows') -Option Constant New-Variable x64 -Value ('${{ inputs.platform }}' -eq 'x64') -Option Constant New-Variable install_dir -Value '${{ inputs.install-dir }}' -Option Constant New-Variable packages -Value '${{ inputs.packages }}' -Option Constant if ($windows_host) { echo 'CYGWIN=${{ inputs.env }}' >> $env:GITHUB_ENV $choco_params = @( 'install', '-y', '--no-progress', '--params', "/InstallDir:$install_dir" ) if (!$x64) { $choco_params += '--x86' } $choco_params += 'cygwin' # Assuming that Cygwin is not installed when this is run. choco.exe $choco_params echo (Join-Path $install_dir usr local bin) >> $env:GITHUB_PATH # /usr/bin is really just /bin on Cygwin. echo (Join-Path $install_dir bin) >> $env:GITHUB_PATH $pkg_list = $packages.Split(' ', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) if ($pkg_list.Count -gt 0) { choco.exe install -y --no-progress --source=cygwin $pkg_list } } else { throw "Sorry, installing Cygwin is unsupported on $os" } shell: pwsh branding: icon: star color: green