name: Install MinGW description: Install MinGW-w64 inputs: platform: description: Target platform required: false default: x64 cygwin: description: Install inside Cygwin required: false default: 0 static: description: Enable static linking workaround required: False default: 1 outputs: prefix: description: Cross-compilation toolchain prefix value: '${{ steps.setup.outputs.prefix }}' gcc: description: gcc binary name value: '${{ steps.setup.outputs.gcc }}' gxx: description: g++ binary name value: '${{ steps.setup.outputs.gxx }}' windres: description: windres binary name value: '${{ steps.setup.outputs.windres }}' runs: using: composite steps: - id: setup run: | $x64 = '${{ inputs.platform }}' -eq 'x64' $cygwin = '${{ inputs.cygwin }}' -eq '1' $static_workaround = '${{ inputs.static }}' -eq '1' $prefix32 = 'i686-w64-mingw32' $prefix64 = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32' $prefix = if ($x64) { $prefix64 } else { $prefix32 } if ('${{ runner.os }}' -eq 'Linux') { # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Ubuntu # ------------------------------------------------------------- sudo apt install mingw-w64 # Make the compilers use the POSIX threading model, whatever that # is. Without it, the stuff from //etc. doesn't # compile. Of course, it makes the binaries depend on # libwinpthread-1.dll, but what you gonna do? sudo update-alternatives --set "$prefix32-gcc" "/usr/bin/$prefix32-gcc-posix" sudo update-alternatives --set "$prefix32-g++" "/usr/bin/$prefix32-g++-posix" sudo update-alternatives --set "$prefix64-gcc" "/usr/bin/$prefix64-gcc-posix" sudo update-alternatives --set "$prefix64-g++" "/usr/bin/$prefix64-g++-posix" if ($static_workaround) { sudo rm ` "/usr/$prefix32/lib/libpthread.dll.a" ` "/usr/$prefix32/lib/libwinpthread.dll.a" ` "/usr/$prefix64/lib/libpthread.dll.a" ` "/usr/$prefix64/lib/libwinpthread.dll.a" } } elseif ('${{ runner.os }}' -eq 'Windows') { if ($cygwin) { # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Cygwin # ------------------------------------------------------------- $cygwin_pkg = if ($x64) { 'mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++' } else { 'mingw64-i686-gcc-g++' } choco.exe install -y --no-progress --source=cygwin $cygwin_pkg if ($static_workaround) { $cygwin_lib = Join-Path C: tools cygwin usr $prefix sys-root mingw lib Remove-Item (Join-Path $cygwin_lib 'libpthread.dll.a') Remove-Item (Join-Path $cygwin_lib 'libwinpthread.dll.a') } } else { # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Windows # ------------------------------------------------------------- $mingw32 = 'mingw32' $mingw64 = 'mingw64' $mingw = if ($x64) { $mingw64 } else { $mingw32 } $mingw_install = Join-Path C: ProgramData chocolatey lib mingw tools install $mingw32_root = Join-Path $mingw_install $mingw32 $mingw64_root = Join-Path $mingw_install $mingw64 $mingw_root = Join-Path $mingw_install $mingw $mingw32_bin = Join-Path $mingw32_root bin $mingw64_bin = Join-Path $mingw64_root bin $mingw_bin = Join-Path $mingw_root bin $mingw_lib = Join-Path $mingw_root $prefix lib if ($x64) { # Assuming the 64-bit version is installed. If 32-bit # version is installed, we won't detect that. But it's not # _that_ important, and we save a lot of time. choco.exe install -y --no-progress mingw echo $mingw64_bin >> $env:GITHUB_PATH } else { # Assuming the 64-bit version is installed. choco.exe uninstall -y --no-progress mingw choco.exe install -y --no-progress --x86 mingw echo $mingw32_bin >> $env:GITHUB_PATH } if ($static_workaround) { Remove-Item (Join-Path $mingw_lib 'libpthread.dll.a') Remove-Item (Join-Path $mingw_lib 'libwinpthread.dll.a') } } } $gcc = $prefix + '-gcc' $gxx = $prefix + '-g++' $windres = $prefix = '-windres' echo "::set-output name=prefix::$prefix" echo "::set-output name=gcc::$gcc" echo "::set-output name=gxx::$gxx" echo "::set-output name=windres::$windres" shell: pwsh branding: icon: star color: green