path: root/plots.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plots.html b/plots.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ff245f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plots.html
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+title: Plots
+layout: plots
+group: "navigation"
+<p><strong>Disclaimer:</strong> for info about the platform used to generate the plots below, visit the <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/about.html">About</a> section.</p>
+<div id="plots">
+ <p class="text-muted">Javascript-generated plot table is supposed to appear here.</p>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var userName = 'egor-tensin';
+var repoName = 'sorting_algorithms';
+var plotsUrl = '//github.com/{userName}/{repoName}/raw/master/plots/'.format({
+ userName: userName,
+ repoName: repoName
+var previewsPath = '{{ site.baseurl }}/img/previews/';
+function Algorithm(codename, name, briefName,
+ minLength, maxLength,
+ repetitions, complexity) {
+ this.codename = codename;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.briefName = briefName;
+ this.minLength = minLength;
+ this.maxLength = maxLength;
+ this.repetitions = repetitions;
+ this.complexity = complexity;
+Algorithm.prototype.getRepetitions = function(input) {
+ switch (typeof this.repetitions) {
+ case 'number':
+ return this.repetitions;
+ case 'object':
+ return this.repetitions[input];
+ }
+Algorithm.prototype.getComplexity = function(input) {
+ switch (typeof this.complexity) {
+ case 'string':
+ return this.complexity;
+ case 'object':
+ return this.complexity[input];
+ }
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPlotStem = function(input) {
+ return '{codename}_{repetitions}_{input}_{minLength}_{maxLength}'.format({
+ codename: this.codename,
+ input: input,
+ repetitions: this.getRepetitions(input),
+ minLength: this.minLength,
+ maxLength: this.maxLength
+ });
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPlotFileName = function(input) {
+ return this.buildPlotStem(input) + '.png';
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPreviewFileName = function(input) {
+ return this.buildPlotStem(input) + '.jpg';
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPlotUrl = function(input) {
+ return plotsUrl + this.buildPlotFileName(input);
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPreviewPath = function(input) {
+ return previewsPath + this.buildPreviewFileName(input);
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPlotCaptionHtml = function(input) {
+ return '\
+<div class="caption">\n\
+<strong>Input:</strong> {input}<br/>\n\
+<strong>Complexity:</strong> {complexity}<br/>\n\
+</div>\n'.format({name: this.name,
+ input: input,
+ complexity: this.getComplexity(input)});
+Algorithm.prototype.buildPlotHtml = function(input) {
+ return '\
+<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">\n\
+ <div class="thumbnail">\
+ <a class="thumbnail" href="{plotUrl}">\n\
+ <img class="img-responsive" src="{previewPath}"/>\n\
+ </a>\n\
+ {captionHtml}\n\
+ </div>\n\
+</div>\n'.format({previewPath: this.buildPreviewPath(input),
+ plotUrl: this.buildPlotUrl(input),
+ captionHtml: this.buildPlotCaptionHtml(input)});
+var algorithms = [
+ new Algorithm('bubble', 'Bubble sort', 'Bubble sort', 0, 200,
+ {sorted: 1000, randomized: 100, reversed: 100},
+ {sorted: 'O(<var>n</var>)',
+ randomized: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)',
+ reversed: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)'}),
+ new Algorithm('bubble_optimized', 'Optimized bubble sort',
+ '&hellip; optimized', 0, 200,
+ {sorted: 1000, randomized: 100, reversed: 100},
+ {sorted: 'O(<var>n</var>)',
+ randomized: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)',
+ reversed: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)'}),
+ new Algorithm('heap', 'Heapsort', 'Heapsort', 0, 200,
+ 100, 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)'),
+ new Algorithm('insertion', 'Insertion sort', 'Insertion sort', 0, 200,
+ {sorted: 1000, randomized: 100, reversed: 100},
+ {sorted: 'O(<var>n</var>)',
+ randomized: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)',
+ reversed: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)'}),
+ new Algorithm('merge', 'Merge sort', 'Merge sort', 0, 200,
+ 100, 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)'),
+ new Algorithm('quick_first', 'Quicksort (first element as pivot)',
+ 'Quicksort (first element as pivot)', 0, 200,
+ 100, {sorted: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)',
+ randomized: 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)',
+ reversed: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)'}),
+ new Algorithm('quick_second', 'Quicksort (second element as pivot)',
+ '&hellip; second element&hellip;', 0, 200,
+ 100, {sorted: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)',
+ randomized: 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)',
+ reversed: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)'}),
+ new Algorithm('quick_middle', 'Quicksort (middle element as pivot)',
+ '&hellip; middle element&hellip;', 0, 200,
+ 100, 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)'),
+ new Algorithm('quick_last', 'Quicksort (last element as pivot)',
+ '&hellip; last element&hellip;', 0, 200,
+ 100, {sorted: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)',
+ randomized: 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)',
+ reversed: 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)'}),
+ new Algorithm('quick_random', 'Quicksort (random element as pivot)',
+ '&hellip; random element&hellip;', 0, 200,
+ 100, 'O(<var>n</var> log <var>n</var>)'),
+ new Algorithm('selection', 'Selection sort', 'Selection sort', 0, 200,
+ 100, 'O(<var>n</var><sup>2</sup>)')
+function buildPlotsAlgorithm(algorithm) {
+ return '\
+<a id="plots_{codename}"></a>\n\
+<div class="row">\n\
+</div>\n'.format({name: algorithm.name,
+ codename: algorithm.codename,
+ sorted: algorithm.buildPlotHtml('sorted'),
+ randomized: algorithm.buildPlotHtml('randomized'),
+ reversed: algorithm.buildPlotHtml('reversed')});
+function buildPlotsAllAlgorithms() {
+ var html = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < algorithms.length; ++i) {
+ html += buildPlotsAlgorithm(algorithms[i]);
+ }
+ return html;
+function buildComplexityTableRow(algorithm) {
+ return '\
+ <td><a href="#plots_{codename}">{briefName}</a></td>\n\
+ <td>{sorted}</td>\n\
+ <td>{randomized}</td>\n\
+ <td>{reversed}</td>\n\
+</tr>\n'.format({codename: algorithm.codename,
+ briefName: algorithm.briefName,
+ sorted: algorithm.getComplexity('sorted'),
+ randomized: algorithm.getComplexity('randomized'),
+ reversed: algorithm.getComplexity('reversed')});
+function buildComplexityTable() {
+ var html = '\
+<div class="row">\n\
+ <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8">\n\
+ <table id="complexity_table" class="table table-bordered table-hover">\n\
+ <thead>\n\
+ <tr>\n\
+ <th class="text-center" rowspan="2">Algorithm</th>\n\
+ <th class="text-center" colspan="3">Complexity</th>\n\
+ </tr>\n\
+ <tr>\n\
+ <th class="text-center">sorted</th>\n\
+ <th class="text-center">randomized</th>\n\
+ <th class="text-center">reversed</th>\n\
+ </tr>\n\
+ </thead>\n\
+ <tbody>\n';
+ for (var i = 0; i < algorithms.length; ++i) {
+ html += buildComplexityTableRow(algorithms[i]);
+ }
+ html += '\
+ </tbody>\n\
+ </table>\n\
+ </div>\n\
+ return html;
+document.getElementById('plots').innerHTML = buildComplexityTable() + buildPlotsAllAlgorithms();