# Jekyll baseurl: /sorting-algorithms exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - README.md - vendor/ # Plugins plugins: - jekyll-github-metadata - jekyll-remote-theme # jekyll-github-metadata repository: egor-tensin/sorting-algorithms # jekyll-remote-theme remote_theme: egor-tensin/jekyll-theme@bf361a5d763614873a605ae8f6b8d4c26b30de24 # Theme settings settings: project: name: Sorting algorithms description: Getting the hang out of (sorting) algorithms license: MIT License license_file: LICENSE.txt author: name: Egor Tensin email: Egor.Tensin@gmail.com 3rdparty: versions: bootstrap: 3.3.7 jquery: 1.12.4 html5shiv: 3.7.3 respond: 1.4.2 minified: true