@rem Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin @rem This file is part of the "Sorting algorithms" project. @rem For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/sorting-algorithms. @rem Distributed under the MIT License. @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @echo off set default_iterations=100 set default_min=0 set default_max=200 if "%~1" == "" goto :exit_with_usage set "algorithm=%~1" if "%~2" == "" ( set "iterations=%default_iterations%" ) else ( set "iterations=%~2" ) if "%~3" == "" ( set "min=%default_min%" ) else ( set "min=%~3" ) if "%~4" == "" ( set "max=%default_max%" ) else ( set "max=%~4" ) mkdir /p img for %%i in (best average worst) do ( plot.py "%algorithm%" ^ --input "%%i" ^ --min "%min%" --max "%max%" ^ --iterations "%iterations%" ^ --output "img\%algorithm%_%iterations%_%%i_%min%_%max%.png" || exit /b !errorlevel! ) exit /b 0 :exit_with_usage: echo Usage: %~nx0 ALGORITHM [ITERATIONS [MIN_VALUE [MAX_VALUE]]] exit /b 1