--- title: Plots layout: plots groups: - navbar navbar_link:  Plots custom_css: plots.css plot_kinds: - sorted - randomized - reversed plots: - codename: bubble brief_name: Bubble sort display_name: Bubble sort min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: sorted: 1000 randomized: 100 reversed: 100 complexity: sorted: O(n) randomized: O(n2) reversed: O(n2) - codename: bubble_optimized brief_name: "… \"optimized\"" display_name: "\"Optimized\" bubble sort" min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: sorted: 1000 randomized: 100 reversed: 100 complexity: sorted: O(n) randomized: O(n2) reversed: O(n2) - codename: heap brief_name: Heapsort display_name: Heapsort min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: O(n log n) - codename: insertion brief_name: Insertion sort display_name: Insertion sort min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: sorted: 1000 randomized: 100 reversed: 100 complexity: sorted: O(n) randomized: O(n2) reversed: O(n2) - codename: merge brief_name: Merge sort display_name: Merge sort min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: O(n log n) - codename: quick_first brief_name: Quicksort (first element as pivot) display_name: Quicksort (first element as pivot) min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: sorted: O(n2) randomized: O(n log n) reversed: O(n2) - codename: quick_second brief_name: "… second element…" display_name: Quicksort (second element as pivot) min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: sorted: O(n2) randomized: O(n log n) reversed: O(n2) - codename: quick_middle brief_name: "… middle element…" display_name: Quicksort (middle element as pivot) min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: O(n log n) - codename: quick_last brief_name: "… last element…" display_name: Quicksort (last element as pivot) min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: sorted: O(n2) randomized: O(n log n) reversed: O(n2) - codename: quick_random brief_name: "… random element…" display_name: Quicksort (random element as pivot) min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: O(n log n) - codename: selection brief_name: Selection sort display_name: Selection sort min_length: 0 max_length: 200 repetitions: 100 complexity: O(n2) ---


The platform under which the plots were produced was:

CPU Intel Atom N2800
OS Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Python 3.4.1
matplotlib 1.4.0
{% if page.plots and page.plots != empty %}
{% for kind in page.plot_kinds %} {% endfor %} {% for algorithm in page.plots %} {% for kind in page.plot_kinds %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Algorithm Complexity
{{ kind }}
{{ algorithm.brief_name }}{% if algorithm.complexity[kind] %}{{ algorithm.complexity[kind] }}{% else %}{{ algorithm.complexity }}{% endif %}
{% for algorithm in page.plots %}

{{ algorithm.display_name }}

{% for kind in page.plot_kinds %} {% if algorithm.repetitions[kind] %} {% assign repetitions = algorithm.repetitions[kind] %} {% else %} {% assign repetitions = algorithm.repetitions %} {% endif %} {% capture stem %}{{ algorithm.codename }}_{{ repetitions }}_{{ kind }}_{{ algorithm.min_length }}_{{ algorithm.max_length }}{% endcapture %}
{{ algorithm.display_name }}
Input: {{ kind }}
Complexity: {% if algorithm.complexity[kind] %}{{ algorithm.complexity[kind] }}{% else %}{{ algorithm.complexity }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% else %}

Sorry, there're no plots yet.

{% endif %}