================== View/visualize the amount of time people spend online. Usage ----- Run from the top-level directory using `python -m`. For example: > python -m bin.online_duration -h usage: [-h] [--grouping {user,date,weekday,hour}] [--input-format {csv,log,null}] [--output-format {csv,json,img}] [--from DATE_FROM] [--to DATE_TO] input [output] This script additionally requires [matplotlib] to be installed. Analyze the database produced by [] and calculate the total amount of time people spent online. For example (assuming the database in "db.csv" was generated by [] before): > python -m bin.online_duration db.csv 89497105,John,Smith,john.smith,0:12:31 3698577,Jane,Smith,jane.smith,1:34:46 In the example above, "John Smith" and "Jane Smith" spent approx. 13 and 95 minutes online respectively. The output format is CSV (comma-separated values) by default. You can also get a JSON document: > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format json db.csv [ { "uid": 89497105, "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "screen_name": "john.smith", "duration": "0:12:31" }, { "uid": 3698577, "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Smith", "screen_name": "jane.smith", "duration": "1:34:46" } ] The durations are calculated on a per-user basis by default. You can change that by supplying either `date` (to group by dates), `weekday` (to group by weekdays) or `hour` (to group by day hours) as the `--grouping` parameter value. For example (assuming that both Jane and Joe spent their time online on Friday, June 17, 2016). ``` > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format json --grouping date db.csv [ { "date": "2016-06-17", "duration": "1:47:17" } ] ``` ``` > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format csv --grouping weekday db.csv Monday,0:00:00 Tuesday,0:00:00 Wednesday,0:00:00 Thursday,0:00:00 Friday,1:47:17 Saturday,0:00:00 Sunday,0:00:00 ``` ``` > python -m bin.online_duration --grouping hour db.csv 0:00:00,0:00:00 1:00:00,0:00:00 2:00:00,0:00:00 3:00:00,0:00:00 4:00:00,0:03:56 5:00:00,0:14:14 6:00:00,0:29:30 7:00:00,0:31:20 8:00:00,0:12:04 9:00:00,0:00:00 10:00:00,0:00:00 11:00:00,0:23:14 12:00:00,0:06:00 13:00:00,0:46:19 14:00:00,0:00:00 15:00:00,0:00:00 16:00:00,0:00:00 17:00:00,0:00:00 18:00:00,0:00:00 19:00:00,0:00:00 20:00:00,0:00:00 21:00:00,0:00:00 22:00:00,0:00:00 23:00:00,0:00:00 ``` In my opinion, the script's most useful feature is the ability to easily create plots that represent the text data (like in the examples above). To produce a plot, pass `img` as the `--output-format` parameter value and add a file path to write the image to. > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format img db.csv user.png ![user.png] > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format img --grouping date db.csv date.png ![date.png] > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format img --grouping weekday db.csv weekday.png ![weekday.png] > python -m bin.online_duration --output-format img --grouping hour db.csv hour.png ![hour.png] You can limit the scope of the database by supplying a time range. Only online durations that are within the supplied range shall then be processed. Set the range by specifying both or one of the `--from` and `--to` parameters. Values must be in the `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ` format (a subset of ISO 8601). All dates and times are in UTC. [matplotlib]: []: [user.png]: images/user.png [date.png]: images/date.png [weekday.png]: images/weekday.png [hour.png]: images/hour.png Known issues ------------ * When people go online using the web version and don't visit other pages over time (for example, just listening to music), they appear offline. Hence the 0:00:00 durations you might sometimes encounter. This might also happen using other clients. See also -------- * [License] [License]: ../