# Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin # This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. # See LICENSE.txt for details. from collections import Iterable from enum import Enum import json from urllib.error import URLError import urllib.request import vk.error from vk.user import User class Language(Enum): DEFAULT = None EN = 'en' def __str__(self): return self.value class Method(Enum): USERS_GET = 'users.get' FRIENDS_GET = 'friends.get' def __str__(self): return self.value class API: def __init__(self, lang=Language.DEFAULT): self.lang = lang def _lang_is_specified(self): return self.lang != Language.DEFAULT def _format_method_params(self, **kwargs): params = '&'.join(map(lambda k: '{}={}'.format(k, kwargs[k]), kwargs)) if self._lang_is_specified(): if params: params += '&' params += 'lang={}'.format(self.lang) return params def _build_method_url(self, method, **kwargs): return 'https://api.vk.com/method/{}?{}'.format( method, self._format_method_params(**kwargs)) def _call_method(self, method, **kwargs): url = self._build_method_url(method, **kwargs) try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as request: response = json.loads(request.read().decode()) if 'response' not in response: raise vk.error.InvalidAPIResponseError(response) return response['response'] except URLError: raise vk.error.APIConnectionError() @staticmethod def _format_param_values(xs): if isinstance(xs, str): return xs if isinstance(xs, Iterable): return ','.join(map(str, xs)) return str(xs) def users_get(self, user_ids, fields=()): return map(User.from_api_response, self._call_method( Method.USERS_GET, user_ids=self._format_param_values(user_ids), fields=self._format_param_values(fields))) def friends_get(self, user_id, fields=()): return map(User.from_api_response, self._call_method( Method.FRIENDS_GET, user_id=str(user_id), fields=self._format_param_values(fields)))