version: '{build}' image: - Visual Studio 2019 - Visual Studio 2013 - Visual Studio 2015 - Visual Studio 2017 environment: python_exe: C:\Python36-x64\python.exe install_dir: C:\Projects\install\winapi-common platform: - Win32 - x64 configuration: - Debug - RelWithDebInfo matrix: fast_finish: true # On Win32, only build Debug to speed things up: exclude: - platform: Win32 configuration: RelWithDebInfo install: - git submodule update --init --recursive before_build: - '"%python_exe%" cmake\tools\' build_script: - cd cmake - >- "%python_exe%" -m --install "%install_dir%" --boost "%appveyor_boost_root%" -- -D WINAPI_COMMON_TESTS=ON after_build: - 7z.exe a "" "%install_dir%" - appveyor.exe PushArtifact "" test_script: - '"%install_dir%\bin\winapi-common-unit-tests.exe" -- "--echo_exe=%install_dir%\bin\winapi-common-test-echo.exe"' for: # Build Release on master only to speed things up: - branches: except: - master configuration: - Debug - matrix: only: - image: Visual Studio 2013 environment: # First release of Boost.Test v3. boost_version: 1.59.0 build_script: - cd cmake - '"%python_exe%" -m -- --with-test' - >- "%python_exe%" -m --install "%install_dir%" --boost C:\projects\boost -- -D WINAPI_COMMON_TESTS=ON - matrix: only: - image: Visual Studio 2015 environment: appveyor_boost_root: C:\Libraries\boost_1_62_0 - matrix: only: - image: Visual Studio 2017 environment: appveyor_boost_root: C:\Libraries\boost_1_69_0 - matrix: only: - image: Visual Studio 2019 environment: appveyor_boost_root: C:\Libraries\boost_1_71_0