// Copyright (c) 2020 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com> // This file is part of the "winapi-common" project. // For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/winapi-common. // Distributed under the MIT License. #pragma once #include <winapi/error.hpp> #include <winapi/handle.hpp> #include <winapi/utf8.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <windows.h> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> namespace console { class Buffer { public: typedef CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO Info; Buffer() : m_handle{winapi::Handle::std_out()}, m_info{get_info(m_handle)} {} Buffer(winapi::Handle&& handle) : m_handle{std::move(handle)}, m_info{get_info(m_handle)} {} int16_t get_columns() const { return m_info.dwSize.X; } int16_t get_lines() const { return m_info.dwSize.Y; } int16_t get_cursor_column() const { return m_info.dwCursorPosition.X; } int16_t get_cursor_line() const { return m_info.dwCursorPosition.Y; } void update() { m_info = get_info(m_handle); } /* * This is a stupid little function to read the console screen buffer. * It's fragile and will break whenever anything happens (like, if the * console screen is resized). * * The screen buffer: * 1) doesn't preserve line breaks, * 2) pads text lines with spaces (ASCII 0x20) for storage. * * Hence, the "lines" read are one-dimensional arrays, right-trimmed, and * there's no way to learn whether the whole line printed by the user was * read back in its entirety. * * For example, let the console window be 80 columns wide, and the user * prints 85 consecutive characters 'a' using * * std::cout << std::string(85, 'a') << '\n'; * * The following holds: * 1) read_lines(-1, -1) == {"aaaaa"}, * 2) read_lines(-2, -2) == {std::string(80, 'a'), "aaaaa"}. * * I also don't know how it interacts with tab characters '\t', encodings, * etc. It sucks, don't use it. */ std::vector<std::string> read_lines(int16_t top, int16_t bottom) const { if (top < 0) top = get_cursor_line() + top; if (bottom < 0) bottom = get_cursor_line() + bottom; if (top < 0 || bottom < 0) throw std::range_error{"Invalid console line"}; if (top > bottom) { std::swap(top, bottom); } int16_t numof_lines = bottom - top + 1; COORD buffer_size; buffer_size.X = get_columns(); buffer_size.Y = numof_lines; COORD buffer_coord; buffer_coord.X = 0; buffer_coord.Y = 0; std::vector<CHAR_INFO> buffer; buffer.resize(buffer_size.X * buffer_size.Y); SMALL_RECT read_region; read_region.Top = top; read_region.Left = 0; read_region.Bottom = bottom; read_region.Right = buffer_size.X - 1; if (!::ReadConsoleOutputW( m_handle.get(), buffer.data(), buffer_size, buffer_coord, &read_region)) { throw winapi::error::windows(GetLastError(), "ReadConsoleOutputW"); } std::vector<std::string> result; for (int16_t i = 0; i < numof_lines; ++i) { std::wostringstream oss; for (int16_t c = 0; c < buffer_size.X; ++c) { oss << buffer[i * buffer_size.X + c].Char.UnicodeChar; } result.emplace_back(boost::trim_right_copy(winapi::narrow(oss.str()))); } return result; } std::vector<std::string> read_last_lines(std::size_t numof_lines = 1) const { if (numof_lines < 1 || numof_lines > INT16_MAX) throw std::range_error{"Invalid number of lines"}; return read_lines(-static_cast<int16_t>(numof_lines), -1); } std::string read_last_line() const { return read_lines(-1, -1)[0]; } std::string read_line(int16_t n) const { return read_lines(n, n)[0]; } private: static Info get_info(const winapi::Handle& handle) { Info dest; std::memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest)); if (!::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(static_cast<HANDLE>(handle), &dest)) { throw winapi::error::windows(GetLastError(), "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo"); } return dest; } winapi::Handle m_handle; Info m_info; }; } // namespace console