# Various one-liners which I'm too lazy to remember. # Basically a collection of really small shell scripts. MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules --no-builtin-variables --warn-undefined-variables unexport MAKEFLAGS .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .SUFFIXES: SHELL := bash .SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c .PHONY: DO DO: escape = $(subst ','\'',$(1)) define noexpand ifeq ($$(origin $(1)),environment) $(1) := $$(value $(1)) endif ifeq ($$(origin $(1)),environment override) $(1) := $$(value $(1)) endif ifeq ($$(origin $(1)),command line) override $(1) := $$(value $(1)) endif endef TOOLSET ?= mingw CONFIGURATION ?= Debug BOOST_VERSION ?= 1.65.0 BOOST_LIBRARIES := --with-filesystem --with-program_options --with-test CMAKE_FLAGS ?= this_dir := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) src_dir := $(this_dir) ifdef CI build_dir := $(this_dir)../build else build_dir := $(this_dir).build endif boost_dir := $(build_dir)/boost cmake_dir := $(build_dir)/cmake DESTDIR ?= $(build_dir)/install $(eval $(call noexpand,TOOLSET)) $(eval $(call noexpand,CONFIGURATION)) $(eval $(call noexpand,BOOST_VERSION)) $(eval $(call noexpand,CMAKE_FLAGS)) $(eval $(call noexpand,DESTDIR)) .PHONY: all all: build .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf -- '$(call escape,$(build_dir))' $(boost_dir)/: cd cmake && python3 -m project.boost.download \ --cache '$(call escape,$(build_dir))' \ -- \ '$(call escape,$(BOOST_VERSION))' \ '$(call escape,$(boost_dir))' .PHONY: deps ifdef CI deps: cd cmake && python3 -m project.ci.boost -- $(BOOST_LIBRARIES) else deps: $(boost_dir)/ cd cmake && python3 -m project.boost.build \ --toolset '$(call escape,$(TOOLSET))' \ --configuration '$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' \ -- \ '$(call escape,$(boost_dir))' \ $(BOOST_LIBRARIES) endif .PHONY: build build: ifdef CI cd cmake && python3 -m project.ci.cmake --install -- $(CMAKE_FLAGS) else cd cmake && python3 -m project.cmake.build \ --toolset '$(call escape,$(TOOLSET))' \ --configuration '$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' \ --build '$(call escape,$(cmake_dir))' \ --install '$(call escape,$(DESTDIR))' \ --boost '$(call escape,$(boost_dir))' \ -- \ '$(call escape,$(src_dir))' \ $(CMAKE_FLAGS) endif .PHONY: install install: build .PHONY: test test: cd -- '$(call escape,$(cmake_dir))' && ctest -C '$(call escape,$(CONFIGURATION))' --verbose clang-tidy := run-clang-tidy ifeq (1,$(shell test -e /usr/share/clang/run-clang-tidy.py && echo 1)) clang-tidy := /usr/share/clang/run-clang-tidy.py endif .PHONY: check check: $(clang-tidy) -p '$(call escape,$(cmake_dir))' -quiet